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JavaOne, then ScalaLiftOff - June 2009
Created by bagwell on 2009-04-20.
Updated: 2009-04-22, 15:59
JavaOne, and then ScalaLiftOff, an 'open space' conference, right afterward on Saturday 6 June. You could catch up with the latest Java and JVM technology and then stay in San Fransisco to join a friendly Scala community meeting where you can learn everything you need to know about any aspect of the Scala language or the Lift WebFramework. Thinking about Scala? Thinking about Lift? Come, meet and talk to programming enthusiasts like yourself who have a huge experience using Scala and Lift.
Martin Odersky, the creator of Scala, will be giving the opening talk "Scala - The next five years", where he will outline a Scala roadmap for the future. Martin will be joining sessions and be there to answer any questions you may have. He is keen to hear what you are doing with Scala and what you think needs to be done.
Like last year, Kaliya Hamilin will be the magic facilitator for the 'unconference'. After Martin's talk she will help you, the participants, design a program that gets the most out of the day for everyone. Again, you can expect a vast collective experience, a diverse set of people, those new to Scala, power programmers and commercial developers, so sessions can range over a broad topic area. You can propose session topics, participate in them or volunteer to lead one. That's what makes an 'unconference' effective and fun.
Here are just a few of the people already registered for ScalaLiftOff.
- Philipp Haller, creator of Scala Actors, & Frank Sommers presenting "Actor-Based Concurrency in Scala" (TS-5395) at JavaOne,
- Bill Venners presenting "The Feel of Scala" (TS-4487) at JavaOne,
- David Pollak, creator of the Lift WebFramework and presenting "Lift: The best way to create rich Internet applications in Scala" (BOF-3820) at JavaOne,
- Jonas Bonér presenting "You are doing it wrong - Alternative concurrency paradigms on the JVM Machine" (TS-4641) at JavaOne,
- Alex Payne, lead API developer from Twitter,
- Dean Wampler with who Alex co-authored "Programming Scala",
- Venkat Subramaniam who also authored a book on Scala,
- Steve Jenson, all-around geek from Twitter,
- Miles Sabin, lead developer of the Eclipse Scala Environment,
- Dion Almear, Ajaxian and developer of Bespin.
If you would like know more about the unconference or register to join these Scala/Lift enthusiasts go to the ScalaLiftOff web site.
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Video recoring
Hope there will be recording of all the sessions - lot's of us can't make it and/or live on the other end of the pacific. :)