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Reminder - ScalaLiftOff - June 6, 2009

Over 80 people are already registered for the ScalaLiftOff, which takes place on Saturday 6 June in San Francisco, right after JavaOne. You can still register and join other enthusiastic members of the Scala and Lift community who will be participating in this 'unconference'.

Martin Odersky, the creator of Scala, will be giving the opening talk "Scala - The next five years", where he will outline a Scala roadmap for the future. Martin will be joining sessions and be there to answer any questions you may have. He is keen to hear what you are doing with Scala and what you think needs to be done.

This is a unique opportunity to meet and share experience with the most knowledgeable people in the Scala and Lift WebFramework world.

Re: Reminder - ScalaLiftOff - June 6, 2009

Hello from Europe,


I could not be at this conference, will "Scala - The next five years" be published somewhere ? Since 6 Jul I am looking for this presentation and I could not find it.


I wanted to contact to ScalaLiftOff organizators but I also could not find any email.


If you can, please post link.



Presentation Slides

I am looking for the slides too.. they seem to be found nowhere. Would be great if you post a link.




Re: Reminder - ScalaLiftOff - June 6, 2009

So ????

No info about such important subject as "Scala - The next five years" ????????


Re: Reminder - ScalaLiftOff - June 6, 2009

The slides are now available in the talks page.

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