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2.7.5 release?

2 replies
Philipp Haller
Joined: 2009-01-13,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.

As many of you know, David Pollak recently reported serious memory
retention issues in scala.actors.

I found one of the problems that he reported that had to do with not
properly terminating linked actors (#2000).

Another problem has to do with how actors are reference-counted using
WeakReferences. Actually, it is possible to disable that functionality
without introducing a lot of restrictions: it just means that the
run-time will not exit automatically in certain cases, which should not
occur very often anyways.

Both of these problems are fixed in the 2.7.x branch, and I wonder
whether we should just go ahead and release a 2.7.5 containing those
fixes. If it's not too much work I would suggest to do that, since a
release (candidate) of 2.8 will still take some time after the preview
has been released.


Erik Engbrecht
Joined: 2008-12-19,
User offline. Last seen 3 years 18 weeks ago.
Re: 2.7.5 release?

But I would suggest that beforehand we should:
1. Make sure the issues are covered and reasonably defined in Trac tickets
    - DPP probably should give some sort of concurrence this his issues are sufficiently covered
    - that being said, even if his issues aren't sufficiently covered, the memory leak fixes are themselves probably worth it
2. Make sure there is test coverage for the issues so we have greater confidence that the issues are fixed and the fixes don't create or uncover additional issues

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Philipp Haller <> wrote:
As many of you know, David Pollak recently reported serious memory retention issues in scala.actors.

I found one of the problems that he reported that had to do with not properly terminating linked actors (#2000).

Another problem has to do with how actors are reference-counted using WeakReferences. Actually, it is possible to disable that functionality without introducing a lot of restrictions: it just means that the run-time will not exit automatically in certain cases, which should not occur very often anyways.

Both of these problems are fixed in the 2.7.x branch, and I wonder whether we should just go ahead and release a 2.7.5 containing those fixes. If it's not too much work I would suggest to do that, since a release (candidate) of 2.8 will still take some time after the preview has been released.


Antonio Cunei
Joined: 2008-12-16,
User offline. Last seen 3 years 22 weeks ago.
Re: 2.7.5 release?

Philipp Haller wrote:
> Both of these problems are fixed in the 2.7.x branch, and I wonder
> whether we should just go ahead and release a 2.7.5 containing those
> fixes. If it's not too much work I would suggest to do that, since a
> release (candidate) of 2.8 will still take some time after the preview
> has been released.

Other than the time required, making a new release is no problem. If we
decide to go ahead, however, we should re-enable all the 2.7.x tests in
Hudson beforehand, in order to have at least one full set of nightly tests
done with the new patches before the release.

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