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function types as default arguments
Thu, 2009-06-04, 18:38
Nothing strikes again:
scala> def transform(s: String, f: (String) => String = identity _) = f(s)
transform: (s: String,f: (String) => String)String
scala> transform("abc")
:6: error: type mismatch;
found : (Nothing) => Nothing
required: (String) => String
Oh, but I just noticed it works this way, which lessens the pain. I
think these two versions ought to compile identically.
scala> def transform(s: String, f: (String) => String =
identity[String] _) = f(s)
transform: (s: String,f: (String) => String)String
scala> transform("abc")
res0: String = abc
Sat, 2009-06-20, 11:17
Re: function types as default arguments
This is fixed now in trunk (r18069). If the parameter type does not dependon any type parameter of the method, it is re-used as return type of thedefault getter. Otherwise, the return type is inferred.
On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 10:23, Lukas Rytz <lukas.rytz@epfl.ch> wrote:
On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 10:23, Lukas Rytz <lukas.rytz@epfl.ch> wrote:
Good catch!
The reason is: when generating default getters (the methods computing
defaults), the return type is set to be empty, i.e. the typer will infer it.
This is needed for:
def foo[T](a: T = 1)
def foo$default$1[T] = 1 // compiler infers Int return type
We can't set the parameter type "T" as return type, the default getter
would not type check.
In your case this gives:
def transform(s: String, f: String => String = identity _)
def transform$default$2 = identity _ // compiler infers Nothing => Nothing
What we *should* do: after type checking the parameter ValDef,
use the type computed for it's rhs as return type of the default getter.
It's not obvious how to do that, because when generating the default
getter (Namer), this this information is not yet available. I'll have a look.
On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 19:38, Paul Phillips <paulp@improving.org> wrote:
Nothing strikes again:
scala> def transform(s: String, f: (String) => String = identity _) = f(s)
transform: (s: String,f: (String) => String)String
scala> transform("abc")
<console>:6: error: type mismatch;
found : (Nothing) => Nothing
required: (String) => String
Oh, but I just noticed it works this way, which lessens the pain. I
think these two versions ought to compile identically.
scala> def transform(s: String, f: (String) => String =
identity[String] _) = f(s)
transform: (s: String,f: (String) => String)String
scala> transform("abc")
res0: String = abc
Paul Phillips | Eschew mastication.
Caged Spirit |
Empiricist |
i'll ship a pulp |----------* http://www.improving.org/paulp/ *----------
The reason is: when generating default getters (the methods computing
defaults), the return type is set to be empty, i.e. the typer will infer it.
This is needed for:
def foo[T](a: T = 1)
def foo$default$1[T] = 1 // compiler infers Int return type
We can't set the parameter type "T" as return type, the default getter
would not type check.
In your case this gives:
def transform(s: String, f: String => String = identity _)
def transform$default$2 = identity _ // compiler infers Nothing => Nothing
What we *should* do: after type checking the parameter ValDef,
use the type computed for it's rhs as return type of the default getter.
It's not obvious how to do that, because when generating the default
getter (Namer), this this information is not yet available. I'll have a look.
On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 19:38, Paul Phillips <paulp@improving.org> wrote: