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@specialized and Structural types
Sun, 2009-07-12, 18:01
Hey All,
I wanted to cover a use case which I thing might deserve some attention from the @specialized implementations. I'd like to do the following.
Currently I have structural typing in an Automated Resource Management library (specifically Scalax). The "generic" ManagedResource constructor looks as follows:
object ManagedResource {
/** Creates a ManagedResource for any type with a close method. Note that
* the opener argument is evaluated on demand, possibly more than once, so
* it must contain the code that actually acquires the resource. Clients
* are encouraged to write specialized methods to instantiate
* ManagedResources rather than relying on ad-hoc usage of this method. */
def apply[A <: { def close() : Unit }](opener : => A) =
new UntranslatedManagedResource[A] {
def unsafeOpen() = opener
def unsafeClose(r : A) = r.close()
While the A <: { def close() : Unit } is a very flexible type annotation for users of the library, I'd like to improve speed for the case where you're using something with a specific Closeable interface (either a scala one, or java.io.Closeable). You notice the nice documentation warning abotu specializing this interface by hand. I was wondering if the following is possible:
trait Closeable {
def close() : Unit
object ManagedResource {
def apply[A <: { def close() : Unit } @Specialized(scalax.resource.Closeable, java.io.Closeable](opener : => A) =
new UntranslatedManagedResource[A] {
def unsafeOpen() = opener
def unsafeClose(r : A) = r.close()
If this isn't in the design mix, I was wondering if maybe perhaps it should be a use case.
- Josh
I wanted to cover a use case which I thing might deserve some attention from the @specialized implementations. I'd like to do the following.
Currently I have structural typing in an Automated Resource Management library (specifically Scalax). The "generic" ManagedResource constructor looks as follows:
object ManagedResource {
/** Creates a ManagedResource for any type with a close method. Note that
* the opener argument is evaluated on demand, possibly more than once, so
* it must contain the code that actually acquires the resource. Clients
* are encouraged to write specialized methods to instantiate
* ManagedResources rather than relying on ad-hoc usage of this method. */
def apply[A <: { def close() : Unit }](opener : => A) =
new UntranslatedManagedResource[A] {
def unsafeOpen() = opener
def unsafeClose(r : A) = r.close()
While the A <: { def close() : Unit } is a very flexible type annotation for users of the library, I'd like to improve speed for the case where you're using something with a specific Closeable interface (either a scala one, or java.io.Closeable). You notice the nice documentation warning abotu specializing this interface by hand. I was wondering if the following is possible:
trait Closeable {
def close() : Unit
object ManagedResource {
def apply[A <: { def close() : Unit } @Specialized(scalax.resource.Closeable, java.io.Closeable](opener : => A) =
new UntranslatedManagedResource[A] {
def unsafeOpen() = opener
def unsafeClose(r : A) = r.close()
If this isn't in the design mix, I was wondering if maybe perhaps it should be a use case.
- Josh
On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Josh Suereth <joshua.suereth@gmail.com> wrote: