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Database scala dialect
Sun, 2009-07-19, 16:12
Ave scala team from eXist one,
I have some idea to merge xml database and "computer" language to get context-dependent one, get easy way to write schema, optimize calculations by phantom nodes engine and more ...
I did start animo language developing (just a 3 weeks ago), but a week ago meat scala and it open source, so why write from zero, better ...
My need is a little strange: the language should get location path ( http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#location-paths ) as build in type and it can be a class name. By last, database element will be linked to some behaviors.
As soon as it reached, runtime engine should be plugged to database and other engines.
Is it possible to extend scala compile & runtime to get scala dialect for xml databases.
Dmitriy Shabanov
PS eXist-db.org , phantom nodes - smartims.sf.net
I have some idea to merge xml database and "computer" language to get context-dependent one, get easy way to write schema, optimize calculations by phantom nodes engine and more ...
I did start animo language developing (just a 3 weeks ago), but a week ago meat scala and it open source, so why write from zero, better ...
My need is a little strange: the language should get location path ( http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#location-paths ) as build in type and it can be a class name. By last, database element will be linked to some behaviors.
As soon as it reached, runtime engine should be plugged to database and other engines.
Is it possible to extend scala compile & runtime to get scala dialect for xml databases.
Dmitriy Shabanov
PS eXist-db.org , phantom nodes - smartims.sf.net