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negative characters? prefer positive actors

1 reply
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 3 days ago.

Was working my way toward fixing #2087:
"short/char comparisons are wrong"

...when I encountered this interesting breakage. I had naively thought
that the unsignedness of char was something enforced by the JVM, but by
observation, such is not the case. I'll just paste the patch here, it
explains the situation. I don't fully understand all the
boxing/unboxing logic in GenJVM, but whatever is supposed to do the job
of keeping chars positive is sometimes getting cut out of the loop.

public static Character boxToCharacter(char c) {
- return Character.valueOf(c);
+ // !!! Temporarily working around the "impossible" (?) fact that
+ // c can have a negative value here. In any revision since r17461 try:
+ // def foo = new (Short => Char) { def apply(x: Short) = x.toChar }
+ // foo(-100)
+ // and the -100 will get to Character, which will duly crash.
+ // The bug was masked before because the Characters were created
+ // with "new Character(c)" and the constructor avenue must have
+ // some check against negative values, whereas the static method doesn'
+ //
+ // It appears to be Short-specific; I can't get anything similar
+ // out of Byte or Int.
+ return Character.valueOf((char)(c & 0xFFFF));
+ // return new Character(c); <-- this also would work
+ // return Character.valueOf(c); <-- but not this

Joined: 2008-08-20,
User offline. Last seen 22 weeks 2 days ago.
Re: negative characters? prefer positive actors

Hi Paul,

On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 19:35 -0700, Paul Phillips wrote:
> Was working my way toward fixing #2087:
> "short/char comparisons are wrong"
> ...when I encountered this interesting breakage. I had naively thought
> that the unsignedness of char was something enforced by the JVM, but by
> observation, such is not the case.

I had a brief look and this can be reproduced in in 2.7.5 and r18718 by
changing the code a bit:

object ShortToChar {
def foo = new (Short => Unit) { def apply(s: Short) {
def main(args: Array[String]) {

> I'll just paste the patch here, it
> explains the situation. I don't fully understand all the
> boxing/unboxing logic in GenJVM, but whatever is supposed to do the job
> of keeping chars positive is sometimes getting cut out of the loop.

It seems to me that a i2c is missing here:

public void apply(short);
Stack=1, Locals=2, Args_size=2
0: iload_1
1: invokestatic #46; //Method
4: pop
5: return
line 5: 0

> public static Character boxToCharacter(char c) {
> - return Character.valueOf(c);
> + // !!! Temporarily working around the "impossible" (?) fact that
> + // c can have a negative value here. In any revision since r17461 try:
> + // def foo = new (Short => Char) { def apply(x: Short) = x.toChar }
> + // foo(-100)
> + // and the -100 will get to Character, which will duly crash.
> + // The bug was masked before because the Characters were created
> + // with "new Character(c)" and the constructor avenue must have
> + // some check against negative values, whereas the static method doesn't

It's not what new Character(c) has, but what it doesn't have.
Character.valueOf does:

public static Character valueOf(char c) {
if(c <= 127) { // must cache
return CharacterCache.cache[(int)c];
return new Character(c);

Due to the missing cast, the if succeeds with a negative value and we
end up indexing into the array with it.

Hope it helps,

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