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Scala Modularisation Wiki

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Joined: 2009-09-02,
User offline. Last seen 3 years 7 weeks ago.

Given that there's no EPFL wiki that we can use, and GitHub is seen as
a good place to host code, I finally got around to uploading/wikifying
the Scala Modularisation requirements that had been discussed earlier.

Given the work that's being done on scala-incubator, we could move
some of these wiki pages over there; but in the interim, it was easy
enough to set them up at the above location for now. This is another
fork of PaulP's scala code; the plan is to try and investigate some
module strategies against a known stable version of 2.7.x to
demonstrate the possibility, and then from there move that forwards
against a 2.8 or later build.


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