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Voting on RFE's to Scala library

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Chris Marshall
Joined: 2009-06-17,
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What is the process for decision-making on RFE's for the Scala library. I have added 4 RFE's today:

Basically the last 3 were collection-functionality I mistakenly (I think) believed to be in 2.8. (I say "I think" because the new collection API is confusing enough for me to think that they may be lurking in there somewhere). The methods relate to extracting maps from 1-dimensional collections:

 cities.groupBy(   //cities is a TraversableLike, results in Map[Country, CC[City]]
 cities.mapTo(_.population) //where cities is a Set, results in Map[City, Long]
 cities.mapBy(_.language) //where cities is a TraversableLike, results in Map[Language, City] and can throw IllegalArgumentException

(I'm not bothered about the precise method names but the functionality is very useful)

What forum is there (other then this one) to raise awareness of these RFE's to the wider community for them to either give their thumbs-up or down? Apologies if this is the wrong place for this.


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