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Re: Scaladoc 2

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Tobias Hauth
Joined: 2009-11-25,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.


I think it would be really nice, if you could see the search box
without having to read the documentation for scaladoc. I think that
now a lot of people would miss this great feature.


On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Gilles Dubochet
> Hello Christos.
>> 1) Non-HTML markup is a major step forward.
>> 2) Frames are ugly, and non-resizable frames uglier if not relics from
>> another era.
> I agree. But what other solution would you propose? I'd love to have a better design for that bar.
> As for the non-resizable frame, that's something to change, I agree. It probably involves JavaScript wizardry. Contributions are more than welcome.
>> 3) Would be nice to have just the package names collapsed and let the
>> user choose which to expand, in order to view the package members.
> Yes, I think that Jesse is asking for something similar. I will add it to the missing features list.
>> 4) In the right pane (at least), code-related items should be rendered
>> in fixed-width font.
> Do you mean code elements in documentation, or signatures?
>> 5) def reduceRightOption [B ⊳ T] (op: (T, B) ⇒ B) :Option[B]
>> Is symbol ⊳valid in source code (like ⇒ is)?
> Euh, sorry, no. I need to change that.
> Thanks for your remarks,
> Gilles.

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