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Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
Thu, 2009-11-26, 17:58
2009/11/26 Randall R Schulz :
> On Thursday November 26 2009, Dimitris Andreou wrote:
>> I tried getting "IntelliJ IDEA 9 Beta" from here:
>> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/index.html, but the scala
>> plugin from the plugin manager is "incompatible". Because jetbrains'
>> site is less than clear, can someone provide the link to the page
>> with the nightly version of IntelliJ (that supposedly works with the
>> scala plugin, either nightly of that or the one available from the
>> plugin manager). Thanks,
> Hint: It's the first hit from a Google search for "IDEA Scala Plugin
> Nightly".
I asked for the nightly version of IntelliJ itself. With the "9 Beta"
version I downloaded, neither scala plugin I tried worked (both the
nightly and the version available via the plugin manager). (Am I
correct that the problem is that I need a newer version of IntelliJ?
Or someone found a plugin version that works with the 9 Beta?)
>> Dimitris
> Randall Schulz
Thu, 2009-11-26, 18:37
RE: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
I would report the issue on the IDEA plugin forum: http://www.jetbrains.net/devnet/community/idea/scala
> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 19:29:11 +0200
> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
> From: jim.andreou@gmail.com
> To: oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com
> CC: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
> So now I'm running Community Edition 90.193.
> Scala plugin from the plugin manager doesn't work.
> I also tried these versions to no success (still the scala plugin
> appears as incompatible):
> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.236.zip, top link from
> http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+Nightly+Builds
> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.200.zip, top link from
> http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&id=1347
> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.221.zip, from somewhere around there
> Neither resolves the issue. Perhaps I'm installing these in the wrong
> way, here is what I do.
> I go to
> C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\.IntelliJIdea90\config\plugins
> There is a "Scala" folder there, due to the scala plugin I originally
> downloaded from the plugin manager. It only contains a lib and some
> jars. So I just replace these jars with the jars found in the zip file
> of each different plugin version, and restart the ide. Perhaps I
> should be also changing something else? What do I miss here?
> Thanks,
> Dimitris
> 2009/11/26 Dimitris Andreou <jim.andreou@gmail.com>:
> > Thanks, I got the wrong thing. I'm trying it now.
> >
> > 2009/11/26 christopher marshall <oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com>:
> >> The Community Edition nightly builds of *The whole IDE* (i.e. not just the
> >> plugin) are available here:
> >>
> >> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/free_java_ide.html
> >>
> >> Chris
> >>
> >>> From: rschulz@sonic.net
> >>> To: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
> >>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
> >>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 08:53:00 -0800
> >>>
> >>> On Thursday November 26 2009, Dimitris Andreou wrote:
> >>> > I tried getting "IntelliJ IDEA 9 Beta" from here:
> >>> > http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/index.html, but the scala
> >>> > plugin from the plugin manager is "incompatible". Because jetbrains'
> >>> > site is less than clear, can someone provide the link to the page
> >>> > with the nightly version of IntelliJ (that supposedly works with the
> >>> > scala plugin, either nightly of that or the one available from the
> >>> > plugin manager). Thanks,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> <http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+Nightly+Builds>
> >>>
> >>> Hint: It's the first hit from a Google search for "IDEA Scala Plugin
> >>> Nightly".
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> > Dimitris
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Randall Schulz
> >>
> >> ________________________________
> >> View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now.
> >
Have more than one Hotmail account? Link them together to easily access both.
> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 19:29:11 +0200
> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
> From: jim.andreou@gmail.com
> To: oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com
> CC: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
> So now I'm running Community Edition 90.193.
> Scala plugin from the plugin manager doesn't work.
> I also tried these versions to no success (still the scala plugin
> appears as incompatible):
> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.236.zip, top link from
> http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+Nightly+Builds
> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.200.zip, top link from
> http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&id=1347
> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.221.zip, from somewhere around there
> Neither resolves the issue. Perhaps I'm installing these in the wrong
> way, here is what I do.
> I go to
> C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\.IntelliJIdea90\config\plugins
> There is a "Scala" folder there, due to the scala plugin I originally
> downloaded from the plugin manager. It only contains a lib and some
> jars. So I just replace these jars with the jars found in the zip file
> of each different plugin version, and restart the ide. Perhaps I
> should be also changing something else? What do I miss here?
> Thanks,
> Dimitris
> 2009/11/26 Dimitris Andreou <jim.andreou@gmail.com>:
> > Thanks, I got the wrong thing. I'm trying it now.
> >
> > 2009/11/26 christopher marshall <oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com>:
> >> The Community Edition nightly builds of *The whole IDE* (i.e. not just the
> >> plugin) are available here:
> >>
> >> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/free_java_ide.html
> >>
> >> Chris
> >>
> >>> From: rschulz@sonic.net
> >>> To: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
> >>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
> >>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 08:53:00 -0800
> >>>
> >>> On Thursday November 26 2009, Dimitris Andreou wrote:
> >>> > I tried getting "IntelliJ IDEA 9 Beta" from here:
> >>> > http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/index.html, but the scala
> >>> > plugin from the plugin manager is "incompatible". Because jetbrains'
> >>> > site is less than clear, can someone provide the link to the page
> >>> > with the nightly version of IntelliJ (that supposedly works with the
> >>> > scala plugin, either nightly of that or the one available from the
> >>> > plugin manager). Thanks,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> <http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+Nightly+Builds>
> >>>
> >>> Hint: It's the first hit from a Google search for "IDEA Scala Plugin
> >>> Nightly".
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> > Dimitris
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Randall Schulz
> >>
> >> ________________________________
> >> View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now.
> >
Have more than one Hotmail account? Link them together to easily access both.
Thu, 2009-11-26, 18:47
Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
So now I'm running Community Edition 90.193.
Scala plugin from the plugin manager doesn't work.
I also tried these versions to no success (still the scala plugin
appears as incompatible):
* scala-intellij-bin-0.3.236.zip, top link from
* scala-intellij-bin-0.3.200.zip, top link from
* scala-intellij-bin-0.3.221.zip, from somewhere around there
Neither resolves the issue. Perhaps I'm installing these in the wrong
way, here is what I do.
I go to
C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\.IntelliJIdea90\config\plugins
There is a "Scala" folder there, due to the scala plugin I originally
downloaded from the plugin manager. It only contains a lib and some
jars. So I just replace these jars with the jars found in the zip file
of each different plugin version, and restart the ide. Perhaps I
should be also changing something else? What do I miss here?
2009/11/26 Dimitris Andreou :
> Thanks, I got the wrong thing. I'm trying it now.
> 2009/11/26 christopher marshall :
>> The Community Edition nightly builds of *The whole IDE* (i.e. not just the
>> plugin) are available here:
>> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/free_java_ide.html
>> Chris
>>> From: rschulz@sonic.net
>>> To: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
>>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
>>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 08:53:00 -0800
>>> On Thursday November 26 2009, Dimitris Andreou wrote:
>>> > I tried getting "IntelliJ IDEA 9 Beta" from here:
>>> > http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/index.html, but the scala
>>> > plugin from the plugin manager is "incompatible". Because jetbrains'
>>> > site is less than clear, can someone provide the link to the page
>>> > with the nightly version of IntelliJ (that supposedly works with the
>>> > scala plugin, either nightly of that or the one available from the
>>> > plugin manager). Thanks,
>>> Hint: It's the first hit from a Google search for "IDEA Scala Plugin
>>> Nightly".
>>> > Dimitris
>>> Randall Schulz
>> ________________________________
>> View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now.
Thu, 2009-11-26, 18:47
Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
Ok, done:
If I find a resolution through there I'll repost here.
2009/11/26 christopher marshall :
> I would report the issue on the IDEA plugin forum:
> http://www.jetbrains.net/devnet/community/idea/scala
>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 19:29:11 +0200
>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
>> From: jim.andreou@gmail.com
>> To: oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com
>> CC: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
>> So now I'm running Community Edition 90.193.
>> Scala plugin from the plugin manager doesn't work.
>> I also tried these versions to no success (still the scala plugin
>> appears as incompatible):
>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.236.zip, top link from
>> http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+Nightly+Builds
>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.200.zip, top link from
>> http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&id=1347
>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.221.zip, from somewhere around there
>> Neither resolves the issue. Perhaps I'm installing these in the wrong
>> way, here is what I do.
>> I go to
>> C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\.IntelliJIdea90\config\plugins
>> There is a "Scala" folder there, due to the scala plugin I originally
>> downloaded from the plugin manager. It only contains a lib and some
>> jars. So I just replace these jars with the jars found in the zip file
>> of each different plugin version, and restart the ide. Perhaps I
>> should be also changing something else? What do I miss here?
>> Thanks,
>> Dimitris
>> 2009/11/26 Dimitris Andreou :
>> > Thanks, I got the wrong thing. I'm trying it now.
>> >
>> > 2009/11/26 christopher marshall :
>> >> The Community Edition nightly builds of *The whole IDE* (i.e. not just
>> >> the
>> >> plugin) are available here:
>> >>
>> >> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/free_java_ide.html
>> >>
>> >> Chris
>> >>
>> >>> From: rschulz@sonic.net
>> >>> To: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
>> >>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
>> >>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 08:53:00 -0800
>> >>>
>> >>> On Thursday November 26 2009, Dimitris Andreou wrote:
>> >>> > I tried getting "IntelliJ IDEA 9 Beta" from here:
>> >>> > http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/index.html, but the scala
>> >>> > plugin from the plugin manager is "incompatible". Because jetbrains'
>> >>> > site is less than clear, can someone provide the link to the page
>> >>> > with the nightly version of IntelliJ (that supposedly works with the
>> >>> > scala plugin, either nightly of that or the one available from the
>> >>> > plugin manager). Thanks,
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> Hint: It's the first hit from a Google search for "IDEA Scala Plugin
>> >>> Nightly".
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> > Dimitris
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> Randall Schulz
>> >>
>> >> ________________________________
>> >> View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now.
>> >
> ________________________________
> Have more than one Hotmail account? Link them together to easily access
> both.
Thu, 2009-11-26, 18:57
Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
On Thursday November 26 2009, you wrote:
> ...
> I asked for the nightly version of IntelliJ itself.
"IntelliJ itself" isn't singly defined. There are two editions:
Community Edition and Ultimate Edition.
There are EAP releases of IDEA Ultimate Edition and source access and
binary builds for the Community Edition.
The latest EAP build of Ultimate is here:
The latest build of CE available is 90.193:
> With the "9 Beta"
> version I downloaded, neither scala plugin I tried worked (both the
> nightly and the version available via the plugin manager). (Am I
> correct that the problem is that I need a newer version of IntelliJ?
> Or someone found a plugin version that works with the 9 Beta?)
I don't know about this. I'm using 8.1.3 with current published version
of the Scala plug-in as available through the plug-in manager.
Randall Schulz
Fri, 2009-11-27, 01:37
Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
I gave up and went back to 9939, for what it's worth. Seems like a slow
motion car-crash, IDEA 9.
Dimitris Andreou wrote:
> So now I'm running Community Edition 90.193.
> Scala plugin from the plugin manager doesn't work.
> I also tried these versions to no success (still the scala plugin
> appears as incompatible):
> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.236.zip, top link from
> http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+Nightly+Builds
> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.200.zip, top link from
> http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&id=1347
> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.221.zip, from somewhere around there
> Neither resolves the issue. Perhaps I'm installing these in the wrong
> way, here is what I do.
> I go to
> C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\.IntelliJIdea90\config\plugins
> There is a "Scala" folder there, due to the scala plugin I originally
> downloaded from the plugin manager. It only contains a lib and some
> jars. So I just replace these jars with the jars found in the zip file
> of each different plugin version, and restart the ide. Perhaps I
> should be also changing something else? What do I miss here?
> Thanks,
> Dimitris
> 2009/11/26 Dimitris Andreou :
>> Thanks, I got the wrong thing. I'm trying it now.
>> 2009/11/26 christopher marshall :
>>> The Community Edition nightly builds of *The whole IDE* (i.e. not just the
>>> plugin) are available here:
>>> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/free_java_ide.html
>>> Chris
>>>> From: rschulz@sonic.net
>>>> To: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
>>>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
>>>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 08:53:00 -0800
>>>> On Thursday November 26 2009, Dimitris Andreou wrote:
>>>>> I tried getting "IntelliJ IDEA 9 Beta" from here:
>>>>> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/index.html, but the scala
>>>>> plugin from the plugin manager is "incompatible". Because jetbrains'
>>>>> site is less than clear, can someone provide the link to the page
>>>>> with the nightly version of IntelliJ (that supposedly works with the
>>>>> scala plugin, either nightly of that or the one available from the
>>>>> plugin manager). Thanks,
>>>> Hint: It's the first hit from a Google search for "IDEA Scala Plugin
>>>> Nightly".
>>>>> Dimitris
>>>> Randall Schulz
>>> ________________________________
>>> View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now.
Fri, 2009-11-27, 10:47
RE: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
> Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 00:36:15 +0000
> From: ebowman@boboco.ie
> To: jim.andreou@gmail.com
> CC: oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com; scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
> I gave up and went back to 9939, for what it's worth. Seems like a slow
> motion car-crash, IDEA 9.
It's an unreleased piece of software that you're getting a *nightly* build of via their EAP. I found it surprisingly useable, considering.
New! Receive and respond to mail from other email accounts from within Hotmail Find out how.
> From: ebowman@boboco.ie
> To: jim.andreou@gmail.com
> CC: oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com; scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
> I gave up and went back to 9939, for what it's worth. Seems like a slow
> motion car-crash, IDEA 9.
It's an unreleased piece of software that you're getting a *nightly* build of via their EAP. I found it surprisingly useable, considering.
New! Receive and respond to mail from other email accounts from within Hotmail Find out how.
Fri, 2009-11-27, 13:17
Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
Alright, I got a working point (with some JB help, not alone of
course) in the versioning space!
Community Edition 90.193
I tried it, and it works fine. It seems the incompatibility was
introduced by later versions of the plugin.
(You might check the forum url in the previous message)
2009/11/26 Dimitris Andreou :
> Ok, done:
> http://www.jetbrains.net/devnet/thread/285299
> If I find a resolution through there I'll repost here.
> Dimitris
> 2009/11/26 christopher marshall :
>> I would report the issue on the IDEA plugin forum:
>> http://www.jetbrains.net/devnet/community/idea/scala
>>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 19:29:11 +0200
>>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
>>> From: jim.andreou@gmail.com
>>> To: oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com
>>> CC: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
>>> So now I'm running Community Edition 90.193.
>>> Scala plugin from the plugin manager doesn't work.
>>> I also tried these versions to no success (still the scala plugin
>>> appears as incompatible):
>>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.236.zip, top link from
>>> http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+Nightly+Builds
>>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.200.zip, top link from
>>> http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&id=1347
>>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.221.zip, from somewhere around there
>>> Neither resolves the issue. Perhaps I'm installing these in the wrong
>>> way, here is what I do.
>>> I go to
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\.IntelliJIdea90\config\plugins
>>> There is a "Scala" folder there, due to the scala plugin I originally
>>> downloaded from the plugin manager. It only contains a lib and some
>>> jars. So I just replace these jars with the jars found in the zip file
>>> of each different plugin version, and restart the ide. Perhaps I
>>> should be also changing something else? What do I miss here?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dimitris
>>> 2009/11/26 Dimitris Andreou :
>>> > Thanks, I got the wrong thing. I'm trying it now.
>>> >
>>> > 2009/11/26 christopher marshall :
>>> >> The Community Edition nightly builds of *The whole IDE* (i.e. not just
>>> >> the
>>> >> plugin) are available here:
>>> >>
>>> >> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/free_java_ide.html
>>> >>
>>> >> Chris
>>> >>
>>> >>> From: rschulz@sonic.net
>>> >>> To: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
>>> >>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
>>> >>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 08:53:00 -0800
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Thursday November 26 2009, Dimitris Andreou wrote:
>>> >>> > I tried getting "IntelliJ IDEA 9 Beta" from here:
>>> >>> > http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/index.html, but the scala
>>> >>> > plugin from the plugin manager is "incompatible". Because jetbrains'
>>> >>> > site is less than clear, can someone provide the link to the page
>>> >>> > with the nightly version of IntelliJ (that supposedly works with the
>>> >>> > scala plugin, either nightly of that or the one available from the
>>> >>> > plugin manager). Thanks,
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Hint: It's the first hit from a Google search for "IDEA Scala Plugin
>>> >>> Nightly".
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> > Dimitris
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Randall Schulz
>>> >>
>>> >> ________________________________
>>> >> View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now.
>>> >
>> ________________________________
>> Have more than one Hotmail account? Link them together to easily access
>> both.
Sat, 2009-11-28, 14:07
Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
Thanks for the tip. That worked perfectly. I played with it a bit and I kind of like the IDEA way alot. I have some doubts that maybe some one can clear out:
1) When running Scala as a Mavem Module do I have to run the compile every time to get any errors. If I do a:
println("This is "+ )
I will not get any error until I run the Maven Compile
2) How far is the IDEA Scala plugin down it's development plan? I mean it does a lot of thing well but is only version 0.3, is that just a conservative approach to versioning or are we months away from a complete plugin?
3) I can only launch a application (Java Application launch target) if there is an explicit def main in the object. Is that a shortcoming?
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Dimitris Andreou <jim.andreou@gmail.com> wrote:
1) When running Scala as a Mavem Module do I have to run the compile every time to get any errors. If I do a:
println("This is "+ )
I will not get any error until I run the Maven Compile
2) How far is the IDEA Scala plugin down it's development plan? I mean it does a lot of thing well but is only version 0.3, is that just a conservative approach to versioning or are we months away from a complete plugin?
3) I can only launch a application (Java Application launch target) if there is an explicit def main in the object. Is that a shortcoming?
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Dimitris Andreou <jim.andreou@gmail.com> wrote:
Alright, I got a working point (with some JB help, not alone of
course) in the versioning space!
Community Edition 90.193
I tried it, and it works fine. It seems the incompatibility was
introduced by later versions of the plugin.
(You might check the forum url in the previous message)
2009/11/26 Dimitris Andreou <jim.andreou@gmail.com>:
> Ok, done:
> http://www.jetbrains.net/devnet/thread/285299
> If I find a resolution through there I'll repost here.
> Dimitris
> 2009/11/26 christopher marshall <oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com>:
>> I would report the issue on the IDEA plugin forum:
>> http://www.jetbrains.net/devnet/community/idea/scala
>>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 19:29:11 +0200
>>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
>>> From: jim.andreou@gmail.com
>>> To: oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com
>>> CC: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
>>> So now I'm running Community Edition 90.193.
>>> Scala plugin from the plugin manager doesn't work.
>>> I also tried these versions to no success (still the scala plugin
>>> appears as incompatible):
>>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.236.zip, top link from
>>> http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+Nightly+Builds
>>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.200.zip, top link from
>>> http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&id=1347
>>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.221.zip, from somewhere around there
>>> Neither resolves the issue. Perhaps I'm installing these in the wrong
>>> way, here is what I do.
>>> I go to
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\.IntelliJIdea90\config\plugins
>>> There is a "Scala" folder there, due to the scala plugin I originally
>>> downloaded from the plugin manager. It only contains a lib and some
>>> jars. So I just replace these jars with the jars found in the zip file
>>> of each different plugin version, and restart the ide. Perhaps I
>>> should be also changing something else? What do I miss here?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dimitris
>>> 2009/11/26 Dimitris Andreou <jim.andreou@gmail.com>:
>>> > Thanks, I got the wrong thing. I'm trying it now.
>>> >
>>> > 2009/11/26 christopher marshall <oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com>:
>>> >> The Community Edition nightly builds of *The whole IDE* (i.e. not just
>>> >> the
>>> >> plugin) are available here:
>>> >>
>>> >> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/free_java_ide.html
>>> >>
>>> >> Chris
>>> >>
>>> >>> From: rschulz@sonic.net
>>> >>> To: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
>>> >>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
>>> >>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 08:53:00 -0800
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Thursday November 26 2009, Dimitris Andreou wrote:
>>> >>> > I tried getting "IntelliJ IDEA 9 Beta" from here:
>>> >>> > http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/index.html, but the scala
>>> >>> > plugin from the plugin manager is "incompatible". Because jetbrains'
>>> >>> > site is less than clear, can someone provide the link to the page
>>> >>> > with the nightly version of IntelliJ (that supposedly works with the
>>> >>> > scala plugin, either nightly of that or the one available from the
>>> >>> > plugin manager). Thanks,
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> <http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+Nightly+Builds>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Hint: It's the first hit from a Google search for "IDEA Scala Plugin
>>> >>> Nightly".
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> > Dimitris
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Randall Schulz
>>> >>
>>> >> ________________________________
>>> >> View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now.
>>> >
>> ________________________________
>> Have more than one Hotmail account? Link them together to easily access
>> both.
Sat, 2009-11-28, 14:47
Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
1. The IDEA plugin has its own implementation of type inference / implicit conversions etc. This is a work in progress. It currently doesn't highlight unresolved references (like the '+' method in your example) as errors as there would be too many false errors.
When you compile the project (either with maven, or just with build -> compile), the compile errors emitted by Scalac are listed, and you see the full set of errors.
2. Most of the work in the plugin is targeting IntelliJ 9 and Scala 2.8, which is still a moving target. I don't think there is an official timeline for the plugin, but my feeling is that it will stabilise around Jan/Feb
3. You can also directly run a scala script, for example "def foo = 1; println(foo)". What else were you thinking of?
On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 10:58 PM, Thomas Sant Ana <mailleux@gmail.com> wrote:
When you compile the project (either with maven, or just with build -> compile), the compile errors emitted by Scalac are listed, and you see the full set of errors.
2. Most of the work in the plugin is targeting IntelliJ 9 and Scala 2.8, which is still a moving target. I don't think there is an official timeline for the plugin, but my feeling is that it will stabilise around Jan/Feb
3. You can also directly run a scala script, for example "def foo = 1; println(foo)". What else were you thinking of?
On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 10:58 PM, Thomas Sant Ana <mailleux@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks for the tip. That worked perfectly. I played with it a bit and I kind of like the IDEA way alot. I have some doubts that maybe some one can clear out:
1) When running Scala as a Mavem Module do I have to run the compile every time to get any errors. If I do a:
println("This is "+ )
I will not get any error until I run the Maven Compile
2) How far is the IDEA Scala plugin down it's development plan? I mean it does a lot of thing well but is only version 0.3, is that just a conservative approach to versioning or are we months away from a complete plugin?
3) I can only launch a application (Java Application launch target) if there is an explicit def main in the object. Is that a shortcoming?
Tue, 2009-12-01, 14:17
Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
I very cautiously upgraded to 92.65 with the today's scala plugin build,
and it is a LOT better. These guys have been busy...
My expectations were that an announced beta would have some measure of
stability, which it did not (for me), but it seems back on track. Which
is an enormous relief....
Eric Bowman wrote:
> I gave up and went back to 9939, for what it's worth. Seems like a slow
> motion car-crash, IDEA 9.
> Dimitris Andreou wrote:
>> So now I'm running Community Edition 90.193.
>> Scala plugin from the plugin manager doesn't work.
>> I also tried these versions to no success (still the scala plugin
>> appears as incompatible):
>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.236.zip, top link from
>> http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+Nightly+Builds
>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.200.zip, top link from
>> http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&id=1347
>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.221.zip, from somewhere around there
>> Neither resolves the issue. Perhaps I'm installing these in the wrong
>> way, here is what I do.
>> I go to
>> C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\.IntelliJIdea90\config\plugins
>> There is a "Scala" folder there, due to the scala plugin I originally
>> downloaded from the plugin manager. It only contains a lib and some
>> jars. So I just replace these jars with the jars found in the zip file
>> of each different plugin version, and restart the ide. Perhaps I
>> should be also changing something else? What do I miss here?
>> Thanks,
>> Dimitris
>> 2009/11/26 Dimitris Andreou :
>>> Thanks, I got the wrong thing. I'm trying it now.
>>> 2009/11/26 christopher marshall :
>>>> The Community Edition nightly builds of *The whole IDE* (i.e. not just the
>>>> plugin) are available here:
>>>> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/free_java_ide.html
>>>> Chris
>>>>> From: rschulz@sonic.net
>>>>> To: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
>>>>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
>>>>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 08:53:00 -0800
>>>>> On Thursday November 26 2009, Dimitris Andreou wrote:
>>>>>> I tried getting "IntelliJ IDEA 9 Beta" from here:
>>>>>> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/index.html, but the scala
>>>>>> plugin from the plugin manager is "incompatible". Because jetbrains'
>>>>>> site is less than clear, can someone provide the link to the page
>>>>>> with the nightly version of IntelliJ (that supposedly works with the
>>>>>> scala plugin, either nightly of that or the one available from the
>>>>>> plugin manager). Thanks,
>>>>> Hint: It's the first hit from a Google search for "IDEA Scala Plugin
>>>>> Nightly".
>>>>>> Dimitris
>>>>> Randall Schulz
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now.
Tue, 2009-12-01, 14:27
RE: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
IDEA is famous for having "unusable" early-access releases.
> Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 12:59:36 +0000
> From: ebowman@boboco.ie
> To: jim.andreou@gmail.com
> CC: oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com; scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
> I very cautiously upgraded to 92.65 with the today's scala plugin build,
> and it is a LOT better. These guys have been busy...
> My expectations were that an announced beta would have some measure of
> stability, which it did not (for me), but it seems back on track. Which
> is an enormous relief....
Add other email accounts to Hotmail in 3 easy steps. Find out how.
> Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 12:59:36 +0000
> From: ebowman@boboco.ie
> To: jim.andreou@gmail.com
> CC: oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com; scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
> I very cautiously upgraded to 92.65 with the today's scala plugin build,
> and it is a LOT better. These guys have been busy...
> My expectations were that an announced beta would have some measure of
> stability, which it did not (for me), but it seems back on track. Which
> is an enormous relief....
Add other email accounts to Hotmail in 3 easy steps. Find out how.
Tue, 2009-12-01, 14:37
Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Eric Bowman <ebowman@boboco.ie> wrote:
I very cautiously upgraded to 92.65 with the today's scala plugin build,
and it is a LOT better. These guys have been busy...
Is this the community edition? How did you update?
My expectations were that an announced beta would have some measure of
stability, which it did not (for me), but it seems back on track. Which
is an enormous relief....
Eric Bowman wrote:
> I gave up and went back to 9939, for what it's worth. Seems like a slow
> motion car-crash, IDEA 9.
> Dimitris Andreou wrote:
>> So now I'm running Community Edition 90.193.
>> Scala plugin from the plugin manager doesn't work.
>> I also tried these versions to no success (still the scala plugin
>> appears as incompatible):
>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.236.zip, top link from
>> http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+Nightly+Builds
>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.200.zip, top link from
>> http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&id=1347
>> * scala-intellij-bin-0.3.221.zip, from somewhere around there
>> Neither resolves the issue. Perhaps I'm installing these in the wrong
>> way, here is what I do.
>> I go to
>> C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\.IntelliJIdea90\config\plugins
>> There is a "Scala" folder there, due to the scala plugin I originally
>> downloaded from the plugin manager. It only contains a lib and some
>> jars. So I just replace these jars with the jars found in the zip file
>> of each different plugin version, and restart the ide. Perhaps I
>> should be also changing something else? What do I miss here?
>> Thanks,
>> Dimitris
>> 2009/11/26 Dimitris Andreou <jim.andreou@gmail.com>:
>>> Thanks, I got the wrong thing. I'm trying it now.
>>> 2009/11/26 christopher marshall <oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com>:
>>>> The Community Edition nightly builds of *The whole IDE* (i.e. not just the
>>>> plugin) are available here:
>>>> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/free_java_ide.html
>>>> Chris
>>>>> From: rschulz@sonic.net
>>>>> To: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
>>>>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
>>>>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 08:53:00 -0800
>>>>> On Thursday November 26 2009, Dimitris Andreou wrote:
>>>>>> I tried getting "IntelliJ IDEA 9 Beta" from here:
>>>>>> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/index.html, but the scala
>>>>>> plugin from the plugin manager is "incompatible". Because jetbrains'
>>>>>> site is less than clear, can someone provide the link to the page
>>>>>> with the nightly version of IntelliJ (that supposedly works with the
>>>>>> scala plugin, either nightly of that or the one available from the
>>>>>> plugin manager). Thanks,
>>>>> <http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/SCA/Scala+Plugin+Nightly+Builds>
>>>>> Hint: It's the first hit from a Google search for "IDEA Scala Plugin
>>>>> Nightly".
>>>>>> Dimitris
>>>>> Randall Schulz
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now.
Eric Bowman
Boboco Ltd
Tue, 2009-12-01, 14:57
Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
Thomas Sant Ana wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Eric Bowman > wrote:
> I very cautiously upgraded to 92.65 with the today's scala plugin
> build,
> and it is a LOT better. These guys have been busy...
> Is this the community edition? How did you update?
I'm using the commercial (IU?) version. Just downloaded it, manually
unzipped the plugin into the config/plugins dir, and off I ran.
Tue, 2009-12-01, 17:37
Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
christopher marshall wrote:
> IDEA is famous for having "unusable" early-access releases.
One of the things that plagued me previously has started happening again.
It starts with "please attach scala-compiler.jar to any module" (even
though it's in the pom.xml as a "provided" dependency -- that used to
work in an older plugin). I attach it, then I can't build anything,
with just the message, "Error: Internal error (Plugin:
org.intellij.scala): null".
I realize this isn't exactly an IntelliJ support forum ... just
wondering if I'm the only one who gets this.
Wed, 2009-12-02, 11:07
RE: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
I organize my scala projects in IDEA as follows.
1. Create project; do *not* add a Scala facet to the project at this stage
2. Navigate to the project settings and attach a global-library.
3. Create a new global library called 2.8.0rc1 (or whatever), attaching the relevant classes (scala-library.jar and scala-compiler.jar and sources)
4. Now add the scala facet to your *modules*
You should be able to compile scala code just fine now.
> Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 16:24:00 +0000
> From: ebowman@boboco.ie
> To: oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com
> CC: jim.andreou@gmail.com; scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
> christopher marshall wrote:
> > IDEA is famous for having "unusable" early-access releases.
> >
> One of the things that plagued me previously has started happening again.
> It starts with "please attach scala-compiler.jar to any module" (even
> though it's in the pom.xml as a "provided" dependency -- that used to
> work in an older plugin). I attach it, then I can't build anything,
> with just the message, "Error: Internal error (Plugin:
> org.intellij.scala): null".
> I realize this isn't exactly an IntelliJ support forum ... just
> wondering if I'm the only one who gets this.
> Thanks,
> Eric
> --
> Eric Bowman
> Boboco Ltd
> ebowman@boboco.ie
> http://www.boboco.ie/ebowman/pubkey.pgp
> +35318394189/+353872801532
Use Hotmail to send and receive mail from your different email accounts. Find out how.
1. Create project; do *not* add a Scala facet to the project at this stage
2. Navigate to the project settings and attach a global-library.
3. Create a new global library called 2.8.0rc1 (or whatever), attaching the relevant classes (scala-library.jar and scala-compiler.jar and sources)
4. Now add the scala facet to your *modules*
You should be able to compile scala code just fine now.
> Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 16:24:00 +0000
> From: ebowman@boboco.ie
> To: oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com
> CC: jim.andreou@gmail.com; scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
> christopher marshall wrote:
> > IDEA is famous for having "unusable" early-access releases.
> >
> One of the things that plagued me previously has started happening again.
> It starts with "please attach scala-compiler.jar to any module" (even
> though it's in the pom.xml as a "provided" dependency -- that used to
> work in an older plugin). I attach it, then I can't build anything,
> with just the message, "Error: Internal error (Plugin:
> org.intellij.scala): null".
> I realize this isn't exactly an IntelliJ support forum ... just
> wondering if I'm the only one who gets this.
> Thanks,
> Eric
> --
> Eric Bowman
> Boboco Ltd
> ebowman@boboco.ie
> http://www.boboco.ie/ebowman/pubkey.pgp
> +35318394189/+353872801532
Use Hotmail to send and receive mail from your different email accounts. Find out how.
Wed, 2009-12-02, 11:27
Re: IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
For me, upgrading to 2.7.7 from 2.7.5 seems to have solved the problem,
though I haven't dived into every nook and cranny yet. All my projects
are heavily maven-driven. I massively resist the urge to ever add
global libraries, etc., since I have to keep repeating that and its
error-prone (and risks getting out of sync with the maven dependencies
declaration). Anyhow, so far so good.
christopher marshall wrote:
> I organize my scala projects in IDEA as follows.
> 1. Create project; do *not* add a Scala facet to the project at this stage
> 2. Navigate to the project settings and attach a global-library.
> 3. Create a new global library called 2.8.0rc1 (or whatever),
> attaching the relevant classes (scala-library.jar and
> scala-compiler.jar and sources)
> 4. Now add the scala facet to your *modules*
> You should be able to compile scala code just fine now.
> > Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 16:24:00 +0000
> > From: ebowman@boboco.ie
> > To: oxbow_lakes@hotmail.com
> > CC: jim.andreou@gmail.com; scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
> > Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
> >
> > christopher marshall wrote:
> > > IDEA is famous for having "unusable" early-access releases.
> > >
> >
> > One of the things that plagued me previously has started happening
> again.
> >
> > It starts with "please attach scala-compiler.jar to any module" (even
> > though it's in the pom.xml as a "provided" dependency -- that used to
> > work in an older plugin). I attach it, then I can't build anything,
> > with just the message, "Error: Internal error (Plugin:
> > org.intellij.scala): null".
> >
> > I realize this isn't exactly an IntelliJ support forum ... just
> > wondering if I'm the only one who gets this.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Eric
> >
> > --
> > Eric Bowman
> > Boboco Ltd
> > ebowman@boboco.ie
> > http://www.boboco.ie/ebowman/pubkey.pgp
> > +35318394189/+353872801532
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Use Hotmail to send and receive mail from your different email
> accounts. Find out how.
Thanks, I got the wrong thing. I'm trying it now.
2009/11/26 christopher marshall :
> The Community Edition nightly builds of *The whole IDE* (i.e. not just the
> plugin) are available here:
> http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/free_java_ide.html
> Chris
>> From: rschulz@sonic.net
>> To: scala-user@listes.epfl.ch
>> Subject: Re: [scala-user] IntelliJ IDEA goes free + new Scala plugin
>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 08:53:00 -0800
>> On Thursday November 26 2009, Dimitris Andreou wrote:
>> > I tried getting "IntelliJ IDEA 9 Beta" from here:
>> > http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/nextversion/index.html, but the scala
>> > plugin from the plugin manager is "incompatible". Because jetbrains'
>> > site is less than clear, can someone provide the link to the page
>> > with the nightly version of IntelliJ (that supposedly works with the
>> > scala plugin, either nightly of that or the one available from the
>> > plugin manager). Thanks,
>> Hint: It's the first hit from a Google search for "IDEA Scala Plugin
>> Nightly".
>> > Dimitris
>> Randall Schulz
> ________________________________
> View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now.