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community reviewing

1 reply
Joined: 2008-07-01,
User offline. Last seen 45 weeks 5 days ago.
Dear all,
Before the holidays we started doing code reviews for all commits totrunk. We use the "review board" software on
A post-commit script creates a review request and assigns it to theuser specified in the commit message ("review by username").

Now here's the thing: we have a special user named "community". If the commiter considers his changes as moderately critical, hecan assign the review request to this user.
The idea is that everybody in the community who's knowledgeable or interested in the compiler / library sources can perform the reviewof such a commit.

The password of the "community" user matches its username. To perform a review just log in, pick a review request, examine thechanges ("View Diff" button), then do the review ("Review" button).If you think the changes are fine, just tick the "Ship It" box when reviewing.
You can also add comments to any change by clicking the line number.

Cheers: Lukas
Joined: 2009-11-11,
User offline. Last seen 38 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: community reviewing
(How) does the community get notified of such review taking place?

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 5:32 AM, Lukas Rytz <> wrote:
Dear all,
Before the holidays we started doing code reviews for all commits to trunk. We use the "review board" software on
A post-commit script creates a review request and assigns it to theuser specified in the commit message ("review by username").

Now here's the thing: we have a special user named "community". If the commiter considers his changes as moderately critical, hecan assign the review request to this user.
The idea is that everybody in the community who's knowledgeable or interested in the compiler / library sources can perform the reviewof such a commit.

The password of the "community" user matches its username. To perform a review just log in, pick a review request, examine thechanges ("View Diff" button), then do the review ("Review" button).If you think the changes are fine, just tick the "Ship It" box when reviewing.
You can also add comments to any change by clicking the line number.

Cheers: Lukas

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