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compiling Scala ASTs into Java CSTs (Concrete Syntax Trees)

1 reply
Miguel Garcia
Joined: 2009-06-10,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.

I've browsed GenJava, GenICode, and GenJVM and collected some ideas, here
they go for your valuable early feedback.

A general impression is that getting the translation right appears rocket
science only because the precise shape of the incoming ASTs is not
documented (like, the distinction between static and non-static modules
based on outer instance was not *evident* at first), although the compiler
backend has readable source comments.

To address the difficulty about "unknown shapes", I'm planning to break up
the translator into two phases:

(1) transforming the incoming ASTs so that they contain only the kind of
things that a Java CST can express. Rather than trying to untangle
on-the-fly as GenJava does.

After this step, ASTs should be "boring" (e.g., no arbitrary jumps, sorting
those Block(stats,expr) that return void from those that don't, etc.) I
haven't thought yet if "eliminating forward jumps" means

(1.a) un-applying some previous transformations (from pattern match,
maybe?); or
(1.b) adding new node types (e.g, "While", which used to be in the parse
tree); or
(1.c) letting jumps be and go for techniques heralded by the Soot Dava

(2) the second phase does serialization of .java files proper. Much like
writeICode does now.

During next week I may come up with more concrete approaches to the
translation, but feedback is welcome already.


Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 3 days ago.
Re: compiling Scala ASTs into Java CSTs (Concrete Syntax Trees)

On Sat, Jan 09, 2010 at 10:07:00PM +0100, Miguel Garcia wrote:
> (1.a) un-applying some previous transformations (from pattern
> match, maybe?); or

Yes, I do not think you will want to deal with the post pattern matcher
AST. I would say smarter to transform the Match AST node into an

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