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Re: Is there any database API for Scala, independent of execution platform (i.e. that can be used for both Java and .NET) ?
Fri, 2010-01-15, 03:18
Not sure if this is what you're looking for but I think H2 can be run on .NET, according to its documentation/website.
If you're looking for a database engine programmed in Scala, personally I haven't heard of any but that doesn't mean anything.
If you mean an ORM etc. there are a few. You can use Lift Mapper even in a non-Lift application (just include the webkit and util jars IIRC).
What is the status of Scala on .NET?
scalaforum wrote:
Yes, I know you can use Java frameworks (such as e.g. the Spring
framework and its JdbcTemplate class) but is there any generic (scala
"native", i.e. non-java-specific) solution for how to write data access
code with Scala, which will be possible to deploy into a .NET
environment without any Java dependency ?
On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 03:18, Naftoli Gugenheim <naftoligug@gmail.com> wrote:
We're working on bootstrapping the compiler and we're fixing MSIL-Backend-Bugs alongthe way. EPFL will provide a compiler running on .NET (which uses IKVM.OpenJDK.Core.dll, at least in a first version)
Right now, we have a cross-compiler running on the JVM, and a reduced version ofscala-library.jar which runs on .NET.
For some parts we will rely on the community (e.g. porting more of scala-library.jar to .NET).