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Updating Scala Reference for type parameter annotations
Fri, 2010-01-15, 09:23
The spec [1] still needs to be updated for type parameter annotations [2].
TypeParamClause ::= ‘[’ VariantTypeParam {‘,’ VariantTypeParam} ‘]’
FunTypeParamClause::= ‘[’ TypeParam {‘,’ TypeParam} ‘]’
VariantTypeParam ::= [‘+’ | ‘’] TypeParam
TypeParam ::= (id | ‘_’) [TypeParamClause] [‘>:’ Type] [‘<:’ Type] {‘<%’ Type} {‘:’ Type}
[1] http://www.scala-lang.org/archives/downloads/distrib/files/nightly/pdfs/ScalaReference.pdf
[2] http://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/changeset/16677
TypeParamClause ::= ‘[’ VariantTypeParam {‘,’ VariantTypeParam} ‘]’
FunTypeParamClause::= ‘[’ TypeParam {‘,’ TypeParam} ‘]’
VariantTypeParam ::= [‘+’ | ‘’] TypeParam
TypeParam ::= (id | ‘_’) [TypeParamClause] [‘>:’ Type] [‘<:’ Type] {‘<%’ Type} {‘:’ Type}
[1] http://www.scala-lang.org/archives/downloads/distrib/files/nightly/pdfs/ScalaReference.pdf
[2] http://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/changeset/16677