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Trac-urls are broken (was [scala-bts] #2898: 2.8: String#format(null) doesn't print "null")
Wed, 2010-01-20, 04:56
I just noticed that the "Ticket URL" at the bottom of the ticket is broken. It makes it kinda hard to easily click on the link to open the ticket :)
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Scala"
> Date: January 19, 2010 6:36:39 PM PST
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Subject: Re: [scala-bts] #2898: 2.8: String#format(null) doesn't print "null"
> Reply-To: scala-devel@epfl.ch
Wed, 2010-01-20, 08:27
Re: Trac-urls are broken (was [scala-bts] #2898: 2.8: String#fo
It must be a glitch in Trac, it only happens on certain tickets. I'll ask
Fabien (our sysadmin) if he can have a look.
Blair Zajac wrote:
> I just noticed that the "Ticket URL" at the bottom of the ticket is broken. It makes it kinda hard to easily click on the link to open the ticket :)
> Regards,
> Blair
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Scala"
>> Date: January 19, 2010 6:36:39 PM PST
>> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
>> Subject: Re: [scala-bts] #2898: 2.8: String#format(null) doesn't print "null"
>> Reply-To: scala-devel@epfl.ch
> ...
> ...
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 07:56:49PM -0800, Blair Zajac wrote:
> I just noticed that the "Ticket URL" at the bottom of the ticket is broken. It
> makes it kinda hard to easily click on the link to open the ticket :)
It looks like it just happened, so it's probably my fault. I have no idea how
that's generated though, so I may have to wait for a clue as to what to undo.