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Google Summer of Code 2010
Fri, 2010-02-12, 09:40
Now that the Google Summer of Code 2010 has been officially announced, I'm
spreading the word on it.
First of all, an appeal to students: one gets a T-shirt for participating,
and its colors don't fade over the years (I know from experience). So please
keep the tradition alive by applying (oh yes, successful students get USD
5'000 too)
If you plan to be a mentoring organization, you can't skip reading this :-)
Google Summer of Code 2010 Mentor Organization Participant Agreement
For both students and mentors the GSoC 2010 Homepage is
For the very latest info, go to this online group (the program managers of
GSoC hang around there)
Below an excerpt of the closest deadlines:
March 8: Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications to
March 12: Mentoring organization application deadline.
March 18: List of accepted mentoring organizations published on the
Google Summer of Code 2009 site.
March 29: Student application period opens.
April 9: Student application deadline.
April 21: All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched
with a mentor.
Student ranking/scoring deadline.
April 26: Accepted student proposals announced on the Google Summer of
Code 2010 site.
May 24: Students begin coding for their GSoC projects;
etc. etc. etc. Should be fun.