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scalac and classpath handling
Fri, 2010-02-12, 21:05
I see that classpath handling is changing in trunk. My question is about how
to properly set up the classpath now. I need to invoke scalac:
* using only the location of scala-library.jar and scala-compiler.jar
* without scala.home set
* within an existing jvm, so the Scala jars are not in java.class.path
Currently, invocation looks something like:
val args = Array("-bootclasspath", bootCp, "-cp", usersClasspath)
where bootCp includes scala-library.jar and usersClasspath does not.
This worked fine until recent trunk, maybe two days ago or so. What is or will
be the recommended way going forward?
Fri, 2010-02-12, 23:37
Re: scalac and classpath handling
On Friday 12 February 2010 03:33:41 pm Paul Phillips wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 03:04:20PM -0500, Mark Harrah wrote:
> > * using only the location of scala-library.jar and scala-compiler.jar
> > * without scala.home set
> > * within an existing jvm, so the Scala jars are not in java.class.path
> OK, I really need to explain what's going on in there and what the
> motivations are, and I realize there is some bustedness at this second.
> I promise these answers will be abundantly clear before too long, but I
> have more than one fire burning. I will be glad to get your input as
> it's just this sort of fine-grained classpath control that I'm trying to
> make easy.
Yes, it is easy to see that it will be an improvement. I arrived at my
current approach partly by trial and error. I append scala-library.jar to
sun.boot.class.path to set -bootclasspath and clear scala.home. I will be
happy to have something more robust and intentional.
I could use a workaround if you will be a while, though, since it means that
sbt can't work with trunk.
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 03:04:20PM -0500, Mark Harrah wrote:
> * using only the location of scala-library.jar and scala-compiler.jar
> * without scala.home set
> * within an existing jvm, so the Scala jars are not in java.class.path
OK, I really need to explain what's going on in there and what the
motivations are, and I realize there is some bustedness at this second.
I promise these answers will be abundantly clear before too long, but I
have more than one fire burning. I will be glad to get your input as
it's just this sort of fine-grained classpath control that I'm trying to
make easy.