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Re: Request for comments on Scaladoc 2 entity search bar

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Randall R Schulz
Joined: 2008-12-16,
User offline. Last seen 1 year 29 weeks ago.

On Tuesday February 16 2010, Gilles Dubochet wrote:
> ...
> >>> There are apparently some bugs in the handling of the field's
> >>> contents as it interacts with editing the field. If you make a
> >>> mid-word edit (say, to correct a typo) the filter is not
> >>> refreshed until you use an arrow key.
> >>
> >> I can't seem to reproduce this issue. Can you give more
> >> information on it.
> >
> > It seems that the bug is triggered when you overwrite characters
> > (i.e., type when the selection is _not_ an insertion point), but
> > not when you insert or delete them (type when the selection _is_ an
> > insertion point).
> Ok, I see. I was able to reproduce the issue using Chrome on Windows.
> It seems that it is a bug in Chrome: I can't reproduce it in any
> other browser on Windows and I can't even reproduce it in Chrome on
> Mac OS. Unfortunately, this means there isn't much I can do. Maybe
> you want to report the issue to the Chrome development team.

Interestingly enough, and upgrade to version 5.0 (beta for Linux)
appeared in the Google RPM repository recently (I just noticed it this
morning). Unfortunately, this particular bug remains.

Here's a seemingly 100% repeatable way to reproduce this bug:
Enter "List" then move the cursor to the beginning of the field and
enter an extraneous letter (one that never appears before "List" in an
actual class name); all the entries will be removed, as they should.
Now backspace to delete that extraneous letter. Some entries
with "List" in their name will reappear, but many will be missing. Now
just arrow-key to the right (clicking with the mouse won't do it) and
the missing entries will appear.

This phenomenon can be seen in other cases, but often you perceive
something to have altered in the list, but it's to small a change to
look like more than a flicker on the display. With the List example,
the change is large and blatant.

Incidentally, they've achieved some serious performance improvement in
their JavaScript interpreter with version 5.0, 'cause now filtering is
much faster. Very bearable.

> Have a nice day,
> Gilles.

Randall Schulz

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