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information about compiler internals

7 replies
Thomas Pawlitzki
Joined: 2009-01-07,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.

Hello NG,

currently I am trying to become acquainted with the scala compiler and
it's plugin system.

I need this information as I want to develop a language extension which
- introduce some new keywords and extend the syntax
- integrate some semantic checks
- integrate a transformation for some existing/new AST-Nodes

So I am searching for information of how to
- adapt the parsing
- create new AST nodes
- traverses the AST in order to do semantic checks
- transforms the AST

If I understand right the two latter points are done by using a
Sub-PluginCompinont and a Traverser respectively mix in the trait
But I have found no information about how to adapt the syntax or how
to adapt the parsing so that new AST nodes are generated.

The only documents/examples about the compiler and its plugins , I
have found, are
and the example

Is there any more documentation/information or can anybody give me
more detailed information about the compiler (plugins)?

Thanks in advance.


Thomas Pawlitzki
Joined: 2009-01-07,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: information about compiler internals

Hi again,

> Is there any more documentation/information or can anybody give me
> more detailed information about the compiler (plugins)?

Some information about the compiler I found in


Antonio Cunei
Joined: 2008-12-16,
User offline. Last seen 3 years 22 weeks ago.
Re: information about compiler internals


There is little documentation available in general on the compiler, but you
may find the following useful: these are two recordings of code
walk-through sessions that Martin did some time back.

The video quality is not excellent, but the information should be of use.
Hope this helps!

Thomas Pawlitzki wrote:
> Hi again,
>> Is there any more documentation/information or can anybody give me
>> more detailed information about the compiler (plugins)?
> Some information about the compiler I found in
> Cheers,
> Thomas

Thomas Pawlitzki
Joined: 2009-01-07,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: information about compiler internals

Hi Toni,

> There is little documentation available in general on the compiler, but you
> may find the following useful: these are two recordings of code walk-through
> sessions that Martin did some time back.

Thank you for this links.
I will have a look at them.


Joined: 2008-09-30,
User offline. Last seen 1 year 46 weeks ago.
Re: information about compiler internals
Hi Thomas,
I found another link:

Cheers, Daniel

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 8:04 AM, Thomas Pawlitzki <> wrote:
Hi Toni,

> There is little documentation available in general on the compiler, but you
> may find the following useful: these are two recordings of code walk-through
> sessions that Martin did some time back.

Thank you for this links.
I will have a look at them.


Thomas Pawlitzki
Joined: 2009-01-07,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: information about compiler internals

Hello Daniel,
hello all,

> I found another link:

Thanks for this link.
This text contains really useful information.

I think that after reading the texts and looking at the source code I
have a dim idea of the compiler internals.

But I still miss a possibility to adapt/extend the syntax. I found the
location where the parsing is done:
So I still don't know what to do if I want to add (for instance) a new
I think I have to
- register a new keyword
- register a new token to the new keyword (ScannerConfiguration)
- define a new match in the Parser.topStatSeq() method to create a new AST-Node
- do my own checks and transforms with my new AST-Node

But how can I do this in a compiler plugin without hacking the
compiler sources? I think here is my gap in my moderate scala
I read about implicit declarations [1] but I guess this that this
would not solve my problem as with implicit I can not override
existing methods, right?

Perhaps there is someone here who can give me some concrete
information about my problem.

Thanks in advance.



Joined: 2008-07-29,
User offline. Last seen 3 years 30 weeks ago.
Re: information about compiler internals
Thomas Pawlitzki wrote:
a4df10ce0901220243k5b2cbe68u84f2c5c06fc2564e [at] mail [dot] gmail [dot] com" type="cite">
But I still miss a possibility to adapt/extend the syntax. I found the
location where the parsing is done:
So I still don't know what to do if I want to add (for instance) a new
I think I have to
 - register a new keyword
 - register a new token to the new keyword (ScannerConfiguration)
 - define a new match in the Parser.topStatSeq() method to create a new AST-Node
 - do my own checks and transforms with my new AST-Node

But how can I do this in a compiler plugin without hacking the
compiler sources? 
It is not presently possible to write a compiler plugin that will extend the syntax of the language.   It may be possible in the future to replace the parser phase, but for performance reasons I doubt the default parser will ever provide hooks for the kind of extension you want.  I recall someone writing a plugin that sort of works around this using XML for their syntax, but I cannot remember enough about it to find it in the mailing list archives.

[ Geoff Washburn 
| ]
Jorge Ortiz
Joined: 2008-12-16,
User offline. Last seen 29 weeks 3 days ago.
Re: information about compiler internals
I believe this is the thread you're talking about:


On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 2:53 AM, Geoffrey Alan Washburn <> wrote:
Thomas Pawlitzki wrote:
But I still miss a possibility to adapt/extend the syntax. I found the
location where the parsing is done:
So I still don't know what to do if I want to add (for instance) a new
I think I have to
 - register a new keyword
 - register a new token to the new keyword (ScannerConfiguration)
 - define a new match in the Parser.topStatSeq() method to create a new AST-Node
 - do my own checks and transforms with my new AST-Node

But how can I do this in a compiler plugin without hacking the
compiler sources? 
It is not presently possible to write a compiler plugin that will extend the syntax of the language.   It may be possible in the future to replace the parser phase, but for performance reasons I doubt the default parser will ever provide hooks for the kind of extension you want.  I recall someone writing a plugin that sort of works around this using XML for their syntax, but I cannot remember enough about it to find it in the mailing list archives.

[ Geoff Washburn 
| ]

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