I have a simple scala script. Is it possible, with JRE and
scala-library.jar, to execute
the script without installing scala, and without compiling the script?
On Fri, Mar 05, 2010 at 11:43:17AM -0800, jlist9 wrote:
> I have a simple scala script. Is it possible, with JRE and
> scala-library.jar, to execute the script without installing scala, and
> without compiling the script?
Nothing presently on this earth can execute it without compiling it.
The so-called "interpreter" is really a "quietly compile and run"-er.
However if we ignore that condition, sure. The code which does so will
include a line something like
new java.net.URL("http://www.simplyscala.com/interp?" + code)
and there you have it. You don't even need scala-library.jar!
On Fri, Mar 05, 2010 at 11:43:17AM -0800, jlist9 wrote:
> I have a simple scala script. Is it possible, with JRE and
> scala-library.jar, to execute the script without installing scala, and
> without compiling the script?
Nothing presently on this earth can execute it without compiling it.
The so-called "interpreter" is really a "quietly compile and run"-er.
However if we ignore that condition, sure. The code which does so will
include a line something like
new java.net.URL("http://www.simplyscala.com/interp?" + code)
and there you have it. You don't even need scala-library.jar!