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Scala Meeting report, 2010-04-07
Thu, 2010-04-15, 12:58
We are currently publishing a summary of each of the weekly meetings of the
Scala Core Team.
This information is made available as a service to the community. It is by
necessity rather brief and gives only a rough approximation of the main
points of discussions explored during each meeting; it should not be taken
as a source of reliable information, nor as a record of concrete or firm
decisions, nor as anything other than a record of a simple discussion.
The summary that follows is primarily intended for Scala contributors and
maintainers. If you are not a contributor to the Scala system, the
information below is unlikely to be very useful to you, and you might lack
some of the necessary background to make sense of all the discussion items.
We do not have enough people on the team to be able to write a more
complete record, and we might also not have the resources to discuss every
point in detail afterwards. Nevertheless, we hope that this record, cursory
as it is, is better than nothing.
Scala Meeting 2010-04-07
Starts at 15h15 Scala Time (GMT+1).
People attending the meeting: Lukas, Ingo, Toni, Gilles, Iulian, Philipp,
Martin, Donna, Alex, Miguel.
* Current work
- benchmarks on reactive stuff
- some preparations on 2.8 branch
- scaladoc work, reducing size, javascript
- enabling specialization in trunk
- more refactorings on collections
* Scala 2.8
Ideally, build an RC on Tuesday, release on Wednesday
What needs to be done:
- final review of collections, fixing docs
- scan buglist for critical bugs
- specialization: problem with actors is fixed but not yet tested. if
nothing bad happens this should be in by friday
* Student Projects
Deadline: Monday 12
- write up proposals and put them on the website