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Can we consider enabling the "milestone" field in Trac?
Thu, 2010-04-29, 00:09
It's intended for documenting in which release we *intend* to fix an
issue, whereas "version" is the release in which the bug was detected.
It's handy for exactly the kind of bug triage exercises that are being
discussed with respect to RC2.
Thanks for your consideration,
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Alex Cruise <alex@cluonflux.com> wrote:
The question that still needs to be answered is who will do that bug triaging. Right now the algorithm is: everybody is doing the best they can to fix the bugs assigned to them.
I see very few people who would have the overall knowledge to be able to do a god job at this. Unfortunately those are the same people who tend to fix the most important tickets and we want to keep them doing this without being sidetracked in milestone accounting (and accounting it is: We tried the milestone thing before, but ended up
wasting a lot of time re-assigning tickets form one milestone to the next).
2.8 fixes close to one thousand tickets. It's a huge step forward and it really means Scala is coming of age. This quite amazing feat was only possible because we have low-overhead processes.
In the future I see a definite case for a commercial support entity. Better ticket accounting is great, and important for serious industrial use. But industry will have to start funding it.
Open source development on Scala should go back to release early and often and reduce process. Stable long-term releases should be commercially backed.
-- Martin