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Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclipse
Wed, 2010-05-05, 15:16
Sorry if cross-posting means that anybody gets this twice...
I was able to put together (over lunchtime) a solution to the problem :)
Write-up is here: http://scala-ide.assembla.com/wiki/show/ae55a-oWSr36hpeJe5avMc/Developing_for_Android
All feedback welcomed!
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
I was able to put together (over lunchtime) a solution to the problem :)
Write-up is here: http://scala-ide.assembla.com/wiki/show/ae55a-oWSr36hpeJe5avMc/Developing_for_Android
All feedback welcomed!
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Wed, 2010-05-05, 21:47
Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclipse
Not sure how much difference it makes, but I'm using the proguard 4.5 beta
On 5 May 2010 20:35, Jeremy Bell <bell.jeremy@gmail.com> wrote:
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
On 5 May 2010 20:35, Jeremy Bell <bell.jeremy@gmail.com> wrote:
I tried these instructions and the build failed on step 2a, after typing ant install (before adding scala nature to the project).
My system: Windows 7, 32-bitlatest eclipse, android, apache-ant, android-sdk, android eclipse plugin, scala 2.8 RC1 + 2.8 RC1 eclipse plugin.
C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>ant installBuildfile: C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml [setup] Project Target: Android 2.1 [setup] API level: 7
-dirs: [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
-resource-src: [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
-aidl: [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...
compile: [javac] C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:304: warning: 'incl udeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to falsefor repeatable builds [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes
proguard: [proguard] ProGuard, version 4.4 [proguard] Reading program jar [C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes:tools\scala-library.jar] (filtered)
BUILD FAILEDC:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:330: Can't read [proguard.ClassPathEntry@abe654] (No such file or directory)
Total time: 5 seconds C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Sorry if cross-posting means that anybody gets this twice...
I was able to put together (over lunchtime) a solution to the problem :)
Write-up is here: http://scala-ide.assembla.com/wiki/show/ae55a-oWSr36hpeJe5avMc/Developing_for_Android
All feedback welcomed!
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Wed, 2010-05-05, 21:57
Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclipse
Not sure how much difference it makes, but I'm using the proguard 4.5 beta
On 5 May 2010 20:35, Jeremy Bell <bell.jeremy@gmail.com> wrote:
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
On 5 May 2010 20:35, Jeremy Bell <bell.jeremy@gmail.com> wrote:
I tried these instructions and the build failed on step 2a, after typing ant install (before adding scala nature to the project).
My system: Windows 7, 32-bitlatest eclipse, android, apache-ant, android-sdk, android eclipse plugin, scala 2.8 RC1 + 2.8 RC1 eclipse plugin.
C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>ant installBuildfile: C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml [setup] Project Target: Android 2.1 [setup] API level: 7
-dirs: [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
-resource-src: [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
-aidl: [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...
compile: [javac] C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:304: warning: 'incl udeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to falsefor repeatable builds [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes
proguard: [proguard] ProGuard, version 4.4 [proguard] Reading program jar [C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes:tools\scala-library.jar] (filtered)
BUILD FAILEDC:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:330: Can't read [proguard.ClassPathEntry@abe654] (No such file or directory)
Total time: 5 seconds C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Sorry if cross-posting means that anybody gets this twice...
I was able to put together (over lunchtime) a solution to the problem :)
Write-up is here: http://scala-ide.assembla.com/wiki/show/ae55a-oWSr36hpeJe5avMc/Developing_for_Android
All feedback welcomed!
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Wed, 2010-05-05, 22:47
Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclipse
A bit more information here for anyone who's encountered snippets of information about "3rd-party libraries" in later versions of Android, I've investigated and found this:
discussion on how to create a platform library. Unfortunately the README.txt file in the mention project states that:
On 5 May 2010 21:45, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
discussion on how to create a platform library. Unfortunately the README.txt file in the mention project states that:
"This example is ONLY for people working with the open source platform to create a system image that will be delivered on a device which will include a custom library as shown here. It can not be used to create a third party shared library, which is not currently supported in Android."So I'm afraid that we're out of luck if anyone had hoped to take that approach(unless we roll our own Android distribution, it worked for CyanogenMod)
On 5 May 2010 21:45, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Not sure how much difference it makes, but I'm using the proguard 4.5 beta
On 5 May 2010 20:35, Jeremy Bell <bell.jeremy@gmail.com> wrote:
I tried these instructions and the build failed on step 2a, after typing ant install (before adding scala nature to the project).
My system: Windows 7, 32-bitlatest eclipse, android, apache-ant, android-sdk, android eclipse plugin, scala 2.8 RC1 + 2.8 RC1 eclipse plugin.
C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>ant installBuildfile: C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml [setup] Project Target: Android 2.1 [setup] API level: 7
-dirs: [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
-resource-src: [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
-aidl: [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...
compile: [javac] C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:304: warning: 'incl udeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to falsefor repeatable builds [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes
proguard: [proguard] ProGuard, version 4.4 [proguard] Reading program jar [C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes:tools\scala-library.jar] (filtered)
BUILD FAILEDC:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:330: Can't read [proguard.ClassPathEntry@abe654] (No such file or directory)
Total time: 5 seconds C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Sorry if cross-posting means that anybody gets this twice...
I was able to put together (over lunchtime) a solution to the problem :)
Write-up is here: http://scala-ide.assembla.com/wiki/show/ae55a-oWSr36hpeJe5avMc/Developing_for_Android
All feedback welcomed!
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Wed, 2010-05-05, 22:47
Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclipse
A bit more information here for anyone who's encountered snippets of information about "3rd-party libraries" in later versions of Android, I've investigated and found this:
discussion on how to create a platform library. Unfortunately the README.txt file in the mention project states that:
On 5 May 2010 21:45, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
discussion on how to create a platform library. Unfortunately the README.txt file in the mention project states that:
"This example is ONLY for people working with the open source platform to create a system image that will be delivered on a device which will include a custom library as shown here. It can not be used to create a third party shared library, which is not currently supported in Android."So I'm afraid that we're out of luck if anyone had hoped to take that approach(unless we roll our own Android distribution, it worked for CyanogenMod)
On 5 May 2010 21:45, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Not sure how much difference it makes, but I'm using the proguard 4.5 beta
On 5 May 2010 20:35, Jeremy Bell <bell.jeremy@gmail.com> wrote:
I tried these instructions and the build failed on step 2a, after typing ant install (before adding scala nature to the project).
My system: Windows 7, 32-bitlatest eclipse, android, apache-ant, android-sdk, android eclipse plugin, scala 2.8 RC1 + 2.8 RC1 eclipse plugin.
C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>ant installBuildfile: C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml [setup] Project Target: Android 2.1 [setup] API level: 7
-dirs: [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
-resource-src: [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
-aidl: [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...
compile: [javac] C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:304: warning: 'incl udeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to falsefor repeatable builds [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes
proguard: [proguard] ProGuard, version 4.4 [proguard] Reading program jar [C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes:tools\scala-library.jar] (filtered)
BUILD FAILEDC:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:330: Can't read [proguard.ClassPathEntry@abe654] (No such file or directory)
Total time: 5 seconds C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Sorry if cross-posting means that anybody gets this twice...
I was able to put together (over lunchtime) a solution to the problem :)
Write-up is here: http://scala-ide.assembla.com/wiki/show/ae55a-oWSr36hpeJe5avMc/Developing_for_Android
All feedback welcomed!
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Thu, 2010-05-06, 09:57
Re: Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclipse
If someone has a workable scala library for Android we could send it
to google as a patch for android and get it into the official
distribution maybe?
2010/5/5 Kevin Wright :
> A bit more information here for anyone who's encountered snippets of
> information about "3rd-party libraries" in later versions of Android, I've
> investigated and found this:
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-platform/browse_thread/thread/618971d3f7608f4c/2e15c8be7abca1e4
> discussion on how to create a platform library. Unfortunately the
> README.txt file in the mention project states that:
> "This example is ONLY for people working with the open source platform to
> create a system image that will be delivered on a device which will include
> a custom library as shown here. It can not be used to create a third party
> shared library, which is not currently supported in Android."
> So I'm afraid that we're out of luck if anyone had hoped to take that
> approach
> (unless we roll our own Android distribution, it worked for CyanogenMod)
> On 5 May 2010 21:45, Kevin Wright wrote:
>> Not sure how much difference it makes, but I'm using the proguard 4.5 beta
>> On 5 May 2010 20:35, Jeremy Bell wrote:
>>> I tried these instructions and the build failed on step 2a, after typing
>>> ant install (before adding scala nature to the project).
>>> My system:
>>> Windows 7, 32-bit
>>> latest eclipse, android, apache-ant, android-sdk, android eclipse plugin,
>>> scala 2.8 RC1 + 2.8 RC1 eclipse plugin.
>>> C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>ant install
>>> Buildfile: C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml
>>> [setup] Project Target: Android 2.1
>>> [setup] API level: 7
>>> -compile-tested-if-test:
>>> -dirs:
>>> [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
>>> -resource-src:
>>> [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
>>> -aidl:
>>> [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...
>>> compile:
>>> [javac] C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:304: warning:
>>> 'incl
>>> udeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to
>>> false
>>> for repeatable builds
>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>>> C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bi
>>> n\classes
>>> [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to
>>> C:\Users\me\works
>>> pace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes
>>> [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to
>>> C:\Users\me\works
>>> pace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes
>>> proguard:
>>> [proguard] ProGuard, version 4.4
>>> [proguard] Reading program jar
>>> [C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\clas
>>> ses:tools\scala-library.jar] (filtered)
>>> C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:330: Can't read
>>> [proguard.Class
>>> PathEntry@abe654] (No such file or directory)
>>> Total time: 5 seconds
>>> C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>
>>> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Kevin Wright
>>> wrote:
>>>> Sorry if cross-posting means that anybody gets this twice...
>>>> I was able to put together (over lunchtime) a solution to the problem :)
>>>> Write-up is
>>>> here: http://scala-ide.assembla.com/wiki/show/ae55a-oWSr36hpeJe5avMc/Developing_for_Android
>>>> All feedback welcomed!
>>>> --
>>>> Kevin Wright
>>>> mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
>>>> wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
>>>> skype: kev.lee.wright
>>>> twitter: @thecoda
>> --
>> Kevin Wright
>> mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
>> wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
>> skype: kev.lee.wright
>> twitter: @thecoda
> --
> Kevin Wright
> mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
> wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
> skype: kev.lee.wright
> twitter: @thecoda
Thu, 2010-05-06, 10:57
Fwd: Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclipse
Forwarded to scala-tools as I was not subscribed earlier
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stefan Langer
Date: 2010/5/6
Subject: Re: [scala] Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclipse
To: Kevin Wright
Cc: scala-ide-user@googlegroups.com, Scala list
, scala-tools
If someone has a workable scala library for Android we could send it
to google as a patch for android and get it into the official
distribution maybe?
2010/5/5 Kevin Wright :
> A bit more information here for anyone who's encountered snippets of
> information about "3rd-party libraries" in later versions of Android, I've
> investigated and found this:
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-platform/browse_thread/thread/618971d3f7608f4c/2e15c8be7abca1e4
> discussion on how to create a platform library. Unfortunately the
> README.txt file in the mention project states that:
> "This example is ONLY for people working with the open source platform to
> create a system image that will be delivered on a device which will include
> a custom library as shown here. It can not be used to create a third party
> shared library, which is not currently supported in Android."
> So I'm afraid that we're out of luck if anyone had hoped to take that
> approach
> (unless we roll our own Android distribution, it worked for CyanogenMod)
> On 5 May 2010 21:45, Kevin Wright wrote:
>> Not sure how much difference it makes, but I'm using the proguard 4.5 beta
>> On 5 May 2010 20:35, Jeremy Bell wrote:
>>> I tried these instructions and the build failed on step 2a, after typing
>>> ant install (before adding scala nature to the project).
>>> My system:
>>> Windows 7, 32-bit
>>> latest eclipse, android, apache-ant, android-sdk, android eclipse plugin,
>>> scala 2.8 RC1 + 2.8 RC1 eclipse plugin.
>>> C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>ant install
>>> Buildfile: C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml
>>> [setup] Project Target: Android 2.1
>>> [setup] API level: 7
>>> -compile-tested-if-test:
>>> -dirs:
>>> [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
>>> -resource-src:
>>> [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
>>> -aidl:
>>> [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...
>>> compile:
>>> [javac] C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:304: warning:
>>> 'incl
>>> udeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to
>>> false
>>> for repeatable builds
>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>>> C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bi
>>> n\classes
>>> [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to
>>> C:\Users\me\works
>>> pace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes
>>> [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to
>>> C:\Users\me\works
>>> pace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes
>>> proguard:
>>> [proguard] ProGuard, version 4.4
>>> [proguard] Reading program jar
>>> [C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\clas
>>> ses:tools\scala-library.jar] (filtered)
>>> C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:330: Can't read
>>> [proguard.Class
>>> PathEntry@abe654] (No such file or directory)
>>> Total time: 5 seconds
>>> C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>
>>> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Kevin Wright
>>> wrote:
>>>> Sorry if cross-posting means that anybody gets this twice...
>>>> I was able to put together (over lunchtime) a solution to the problem :)
>>>> Write-up is
>>>> here: http://scala-ide.assembla.com/wiki/show/ae55a-oWSr36hpeJe5avMc/Developing_for_Android
>>>> All feedback welcomed!
>>>> --
>>>> Kevin Wright
>>>> mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
>>>> wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
>>>> skype: kev.lee.wright
>>>> twitter: @thecoda
>> --
>> Kevin Wright
>> mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
>> wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
>> skype: kev.lee.wright
>> twitter: @thecoda
> --
> Kevin Wright
> mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
> wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
> skype: kev.lee.wright
> twitter: @thecoda
Mon, 2010-05-10, 05:27
Re: Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclipse
This has caught my interest this evening after I came back Ironman II and googled for a bit. I haven't tried any of this yet, but I'll give it a whirl tomorrow after work.
The following may work for messing around. It would not be a comprehensive solution however for general app development and distribution for android with scala.
1. I think you can add a pure jar, such as the scala-library.jar, by first starting the emulator and then sending over the prepared jar file and the xml permissions file via an adb push. However you would have to do this every time the emulator was fired up, but not too bad.
2. However, it may be that the jar and xml file may need to be present at startup. So the trick would be to get it into the system.img. The following link discuz-android.blogspot.com/2008/01/customize-google-android-systemimg-for.html shows how to create a new system image, from a running emulator image. Sounds like it goes something like this:
a) Start up a vanilla emulator image. b) adb push the xml, scala lib jar and the mkfs.yaffs2 utility into the running image. c) Use adb shell to log into the emulator image and create a _new_ system.img inside the emulator of the emulator's /system tree. d) adb pull the newly created system.img that now has the scala lib in it back on to your pc.
At this point the idea would be to try to swap out the system.img in the base emulator with this new image. When you restart it you now have an emulator with a linkable scala-library in it. Another idea is to clone the add-on tree in the SDK and tweak the xml files ... to create a new add-on which is "scala ready" for android development.
One still faces the problem running the app on a "real" phone/tablet. If the above works I don't see why one could not do it on a "rooted" android. Not sure, yet, on a non-rooted. If /system/framework isn't writable to non-root for example it would be trouble.
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. - Marcus Aurelius
The following may work for messing around. It would not be a comprehensive solution however for general app development and distribution for android with scala.
1. I think you can add a pure jar, such as the scala-library.jar, by first starting the emulator and then sending over the prepared jar file and the xml permissions file via an adb push. However you would have to do this every time the emulator was fired up, but not too bad.
2. However, it may be that the jar and xml file may need to be present at startup. So the trick would be to get it into the system.img. The following link discuz-android.blogspot.com/2008/01/customize-google-android-systemimg-for.html shows how to create a new system image, from a running emulator image. Sounds like it goes something like this:
a) Start up a vanilla emulator image. b) adb push the xml, scala lib jar and the mkfs.yaffs2 utility into the running image. c) Use adb shell to log into the emulator image and create a _new_ system.img inside the emulator of the emulator's /system tree. d) adb pull the newly created system.img that now has the scala lib in it back on to your pc.
At this point the idea would be to try to swap out the system.img in the base emulator with this new image. When you restart it you now have an emulator with a linkable scala-library in it. Another idea is to clone the add-on tree in the SDK and tweak the xml files ... to create a new add-on which is "scala ready" for android development.
One still faces the problem running the app on a "real" phone/tablet. If the above works I don't see why one could not do it on a "rooted" android. Not sure, yet, on a non-rooted. If /system/framework isn't writable to non-root for example it would be trouble.
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
A bit more information here for anyone who's encountered snippets of information about "3rd-party libraries" in later versions of Android, I've investigated and found this:
discussion on how to create a platform library. Unfortunately the README.txt file in the mention project states that:"This example is ONLY for people working with the open source platform to create a system image that will be delivered on a device which will include a custom library as shown here. It can not be used to create a third party shared library, which is not currently supported in Android."So I'm afraid that we're out of luck if anyone had hoped to take that approach(unless we roll our own Android distribution, it worked for CyanogenMod)
On 5 May 2010 21:45, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Not sure how much difference it makes, but I'm using the proguard 4.5 beta
On 5 May 2010 20:35, Jeremy Bell <bell.jeremy@gmail.com> wrote:
I tried these instructions and the build failed on step 2a, after typing ant install (before adding scala nature to the project).
My system: Windows 7, 32-bitlatest eclipse, android, apache-ant, android-sdk, android eclipse plugin, scala 2.8 RC1 + 2.8 RC1 eclipse plugin.
C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>ant installBuildfile: C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml [setup] Project Target: Android 2.1 [setup] API level: 7
-dirs: [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
-resource-src: [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
-aidl: [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...
compile: [javac] C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:304: warning: 'incl udeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to falsefor repeatable builds [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes
proguard: [proguard] ProGuard, version 4.4 [proguard] Reading program jar [C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes:tools\scala-library.jar] (filtered)
BUILD FAILEDC:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:330: Can't read [proguard.ClassPathEntry@abe654] (No such file or directory)
Total time: 5 seconds C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Sorry if cross-posting means that anybody gets this twice...
I was able to put together (over lunchtime) a solution to the problem :)
Write-up is here: http://scala-ide.assembla.com/wiki/show/ae55a-oWSr36hpeJe5avMc/Developing_for_Android
All feedback welcomed!
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. - Marcus Aurelius
Mon, 2010-05-10, 05:27
Re: Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclipse
This has caught my interest this evening after I came back Ironman II and googled for a bit. I haven't tried any of this yet, but I'll give it a whirl tomorrow after work.
The following may work for messing around. It would not be a comprehensive solution however for general app development and distribution for android with scala.
1. I think you can add a pure jar, such as the scala-library.jar, by first starting the emulator and then sending over the prepared jar file and the xml permissions file via an adb push. However you would have to do this every time the emulator was fired up, but not too bad.
2. However, it may be that the jar and xml file may need to be present at startup. So the trick would be to get it into the system.img. The following link discuz-android.blogspot.com/2008/01/customize-google-android-systemimg-for.html shows how to create a new system image, from a running emulator image. Sounds like it goes something like this:
a) Start up a vanilla emulator image. b) adb push the xml, scala lib jar and the mkfs.yaffs2 utility into the running image. c) Use adb shell to log into the emulator image and create a _new_ system.img inside the emulator of the emulator's /system tree. d) adb pull the newly created system.img that now has the scala lib in it back on to your pc.
At this point the idea would be to try to swap out the system.img in the base emulator with this new image. When you restart it you now have an emulator with a linkable scala-library in it. Another idea is to clone the add-on tree in the SDK and tweak the xml files ... to create a new add-on which is "scala ready" for android development.
One still faces the problem running the app on a "real" phone/tablet. If the above works I don't see why one could not do it on a "rooted" android. Not sure, yet, on a non-rooted. If /system/framework isn't writable to non-root for example it would be trouble.
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. - Marcus Aurelius
The following may work for messing around. It would not be a comprehensive solution however for general app development and distribution for android with scala.
1. I think you can add a pure jar, such as the scala-library.jar, by first starting the emulator and then sending over the prepared jar file and the xml permissions file via an adb push. However you would have to do this every time the emulator was fired up, but not too bad.
2. However, it may be that the jar and xml file may need to be present at startup. So the trick would be to get it into the system.img. The following link discuz-android.blogspot.com/2008/01/customize-google-android-systemimg-for.html shows how to create a new system image, from a running emulator image. Sounds like it goes something like this:
a) Start up a vanilla emulator image. b) adb push the xml, scala lib jar and the mkfs.yaffs2 utility into the running image. c) Use adb shell to log into the emulator image and create a _new_ system.img inside the emulator of the emulator's /system tree. d) adb pull the newly created system.img that now has the scala lib in it back on to your pc.
At this point the idea would be to try to swap out the system.img in the base emulator with this new image. When you restart it you now have an emulator with a linkable scala-library in it. Another idea is to clone the add-on tree in the SDK and tweak the xml files ... to create a new add-on which is "scala ready" for android development.
One still faces the problem running the app on a "real" phone/tablet. If the above works I don't see why one could not do it on a "rooted" android. Not sure, yet, on a non-rooted. If /system/framework isn't writable to non-root for example it would be trouble.
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
A bit more information here for anyone who's encountered snippets of information about "3rd-party libraries" in later versions of Android, I've investigated and found this:
discussion on how to create a platform library. Unfortunately the README.txt file in the mention project states that:"This example is ONLY for people working with the open source platform to create a system image that will be delivered on a device which will include a custom library as shown here. It can not be used to create a third party shared library, which is not currently supported in Android."So I'm afraid that we're out of luck if anyone had hoped to take that approach(unless we roll our own Android distribution, it worked for CyanogenMod)
On 5 May 2010 21:45, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Not sure how much difference it makes, but I'm using the proguard 4.5 beta
On 5 May 2010 20:35, Jeremy Bell <bell.jeremy@gmail.com> wrote:
I tried these instructions and the build failed on step 2a, after typing ant install (before adding scala nature to the project).
My system: Windows 7, 32-bitlatest eclipse, android, apache-ant, android-sdk, android eclipse plugin, scala 2.8 RC1 + 2.8 RC1 eclipse plugin.
C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>ant installBuildfile: C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml [setup] Project Target: Android 2.1 [setup] API level: 7
-dirs: [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
-resource-src: [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
-aidl: [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...
compile: [javac] C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:304: warning: 'incl udeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to falsefor repeatable builds [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes
proguard: [proguard] ProGuard, version 4.4 [proguard] Reading program jar [C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes:tools\scala-library.jar] (filtered)
BUILD FAILEDC:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:330: Can't read [proguard.ClassPathEntry@abe654] (No such file or directory)
Total time: 5 seconds C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Sorry if cross-posting means that anybody gets this twice...
I was able to put together (over lunchtime) a solution to the problem :)
Write-up is here: http://scala-ide.assembla.com/wiki/show/ae55a-oWSr36hpeJe5avMc/Developing_for_Android
All feedback welcomed!
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. - Marcus Aurelius
Mon, 2010-05-10, 08:07
Re: Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclipse
The one big glaring elephant in the room is:
Do we want to do this for a trunk build of a shared library where binary compatibility is fragile, at best
It only makes sense to go with a shared lib if multiple scala apps will be installed, but in this case they would all need to be rebuilt and redeployed every time the Scala lib itself is updated. This is also a problem with Scala 2.8 vs 2.8.1, etc and not just unique to anyone working on the bleeding edge.
On 10 May 2010 05:25, Ray Racine <ray.racine@gmail.com> wrote:
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Do we want to do this for a trunk build of a shared library where binary compatibility is fragile, at best
It only makes sense to go with a shared lib if multiple scala apps will be installed, but in this case they would all need to be rebuilt and redeployed every time the Scala lib itself is updated. This is also a problem with Scala 2.8 vs 2.8.1, etc and not just unique to anyone working on the bleeding edge.
On 10 May 2010 05:25, Ray Racine <ray.racine@gmail.com> wrote:
This has caught my interest this evening after I came back Ironman II and googled for a bit. I haven't tried any of this yet, but I'll give it a whirl tomorrow after work.
The following may work for messing around. It would not be a comprehensive solution however for general app development and distribution for android with scala.
1. I think you can add a pure jar, such as the scala-library.jar, by first starting the emulator and then sending over the prepared jar file and the xml permissions file via an adb push. However you would have to do this every time the emulator was fired up, but not too bad.
2. However, it may be that the jar and xml file may need to be present at startup. So the trick would be to get it into the system.img. The following link discuz-android.blogspot.com/2008/01/customize-google-android-systemimg-for.html shows how to create a new system image, from a running emulator image. Sounds like it goes something like this:
a) Start up a vanilla emulator image. b) adb push the xml, scala lib jar and the mkfs.yaffs2 utility into the running image. c) Use adb shell to log into the emulator image and create a _new_ system.img inside the emulator of the emulator's /system tree. d) adb pull the newly created system.img that now has the scala lib in it back on to your pc.
At this point the idea would be to try to swap out the system.img in the base emulator with this new image. When you restart it you now have an emulator with a linkable scala-library in it. Another idea is to clone the add-on tree in the SDK and tweak the xml files ... to create a new add-on which is "scala ready" for android development.
One still faces the problem running the app on a "real" phone/tablet. If the above works I don't see why one could not do it on a "rooted" android. Not sure, yet, on a non-rooted. If /system/framework isn't writable to non-root for example it would be trouble.
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
A bit more information here for anyone who's encountered snippets of information about "3rd-party libraries" in later versions of Android, I've investigated and found this:
discussion on how to create a platform library. Unfortunately the README.txt file in the mention project states that:"This example is ONLY for people working with the open source platform to create a system image that will be delivered on a device which will include a custom library as shown here. It can not be used to create a third party shared library, which is not currently supported in Android."So I'm afraid that we're out of luck if anyone had hoped to take that approach(unless we roll our own Android distribution, it worked for CyanogenMod)
On 5 May 2010 21:45, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Not sure how much difference it makes, but I'm using the proguard 4.5 beta
On 5 May 2010 20:35, Jeremy Bell <bell.jeremy@gmail.com> wrote:
I tried these instructions and the build failed on step 2a, after typing ant install (before adding scala nature to the project).
My system: Windows 7, 32-bitlatest eclipse, android, apache-ant, android-sdk, android eclipse plugin, scala 2.8 RC1 + 2.8 RC1 eclipse plugin.
C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>ant installBuildfile: C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml [setup] Project Target: Android 2.1 [setup] API level: 7
-dirs: [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
-resource-src: [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
-aidl: [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...
compile: [javac] C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:304: warning: 'incl udeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to falsefor repeatable builds [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes
proguard: [proguard] ProGuard, version 4.4 [proguard] Reading program jar [C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes:tools\scala-library.jar] (filtered)
BUILD FAILEDC:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:330: Can't read [proguard.ClassPathEntry@abe654] (No such file or directory)
Total time: 5 seconds C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
Sorry if cross-posting means that anybody gets this twice...
I was able to put together (over lunchtime) a solution to the problem :)
Write-up is here: http://scala-ide.assembla.com/wiki/show/ae55a-oWSr36hpeJe5avMc/Developing_for_Android
All feedback welcomed!
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. - Marcus Aurelius
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Mon, 2010-05-10, 08:27
Re: Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclipse
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 7:25 AM, Ray Racine <ray.racine@gmail.com> wrote:
Would Scala make Iron Man more powerful? I think it would.
This has caught my interest this evening after I came back Ironman II and googled for a bit. I haven't tried any of this yet, but I'll give it a whirl tomorrow after work.
Would Scala make Iron Man more powerful? I think it would.
Mon, 2010-05-10, 15:47
Re: Re: Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclips
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 12:03 AM, Kevin Wright
> The one big glaring elephant in the room is:
> Do we want to do this for a trunk build of a shared library where binary
> compatibility is fragile, at best
I don't think it's interesting for production, but it might be for
development. If it means you could skip the proguard step every time,
that'd definitely speed up the development cycle.
Mon, 2010-05-10, 16:07
Re: Re: Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclips
Just for running on the emulator you mean?
It's definitely an interesting idea, and shouldn't even be too hard to sort out a variant of scala library without the reflective bits that android can't deal with. I'm putting this one on my "to be investigated" list for when 2.8 final comes out.
On 10 May 2010 15:45, James Moore <james@restphone.com> wrote:
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
It's definitely an interesting idea, and shouldn't even be too hard to sort out a variant of scala library without the reflective bits that android can't deal with. I'm putting this one on my "to be investigated" list for when 2.8 final comes out.
On 10 May 2010 15:45, James Moore <james@restphone.com> wrote:
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 12:03 AM, Kevin Wright
<kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
> The one big glaring elephant in the room is:
> Do we want to do this for a trunk build of a shared library where binary
> compatibility is fragile, at best
I don't think it's interesting for production, but it might be for
development. If it means you could skip the proguard step every time,
that'd definitely speed up the development cycle.
James Moore
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Mon, 2010-05-10, 16:37
Re: Re: Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclips
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 4:59 PM, Kevin Wright
> Just for running on the emulator you mean?
> It's definitely an interesting idea, and shouldn't even be too hard to sort
> out a variant of scala library without the reflective bits that android
> can't deal with. I'm putting this one on my "to be investigated" list for
> when 2.8 final comes out.
As an aside: What are those 'reflective bits that android can't deal
with'? I never came across those as long as I didn't try to generate
code (obviously).
And yes, I think for debugging purposes using a shared library would
in fact be interesting.
Mon, 2010-05-10, 17:07
Re: Re: Re: [scala-ide-user] Scala 2.8 + Android 2.1 + Eclips
For scala 2.7.x, there was a custom build of the scala library being offered, called "android-library.jar"
The only difference was that it just removed all code from scala.reflect.ScalaBeanInfo - You can still see this in the android-library directory of the current scala source.
Problem is, I don't why it had to be removed, or how much of the underlying issue was down to Scala, or to older versions of Android. As the current trend is to use proguard nowadays I've not let it worry me too much :)
On 10 May 2010 16:30, Johannes Rudolph <johannes.rudolph@googlemail.com> wrote:
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
The only difference was that it just removed all code from scala.reflect.ScalaBeanInfo - You can still see this in the android-library directory of the current scala source.
Problem is, I don't why it had to be removed, or how much of the underlying issue was down to Scala, or to older versions of Android. As the current trend is to use proguard nowadays I've not let it worry me too much :)
On 10 May 2010 16:30, Johannes Rudolph <johannes.rudolph@googlemail.com> wrote:
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 4:59 PM, Kevin Wright
<kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Just for running on the emulator you mean?
> It's definitely an interesting idea, and shouldn't even be too hard to sort
> out a variant of scala library without the reflective bits that android
> can't deal with. I'm putting this one on my "to be investigated" list for
> when 2.8 final comes out.
As an aside: What are those 'reflective bits that android can't deal
with'? I never came across those as long as I didn't try to generate
code (obviously).
And yes, I think for debugging purposes using a shared library would
in fact be interesting.
Johannes Rudolph
Kevin Wright
mail/google talk: kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com
wave: kev.lee.wright@googlewave.com
skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
My system: Windows 7, 32-bitlatest eclipse, android, apache-ant, android-sdk, android eclipse plugin, scala 2.8 RC1 + 2.8 RC1 eclipse plugin.
C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>ant installBuildfile: C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml [setup] Project Target: Android 2.1 [setup] API level: 7
-dirs: [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
-resource-src: [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
-aidl: [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...
compile: [javac] C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:304: warning: 'incl udeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to falsefor repeatable builds [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes [scalac] Compiling 0 scala and 1 java source files to C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes
proguard: [proguard] ProGuard, version 4.4 [proguard] Reading program jar [C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\bin\classes:tools\scala-library.jar] (filtered)
BUILD FAILEDC:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2\build.xml:330: Can't read [proguard.ClassPathEntry@abe654] (No such file or directory)
Total time: 5 seconds C:\Users\me\workspace\ScalaTest2>
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@googlemail.com> wrote: