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Fix for #3363 into 2.8.0.RC2?

1 reply
Joined: 2010-03-11,
User offline. Last seen 33 weeks 5 days ago.


I can see that 2.8.0.RC2 release of Scala compiler is being postponed
so I thought this gives window of opportunity for my polite request.

There is a problem with RC1 described in ticket #3363

Issue itself contains a very small test-case and fix done by Paul.
This issue is important for two reasons:
* it's a blocker for my project (I was trying really hard to come up
with work-around)
* it's a regression from 2.7.7 where my test-case compiles just fine

I'd be grateful if someone knowledgeable could review Paul's patch. If
everyone is busy with fixing more important issues then treat this
e-mail as a reminder for post-RC2 times. :-)

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

Antonio Cunei
Joined: 2008-12-16,
User offline. Last seen 3 years 22 weeks ago.
Re: Fix for #3363 into 2.8.0.RC2?


I am preparing RC2 at time time; it will be a copy of revision r21870. I
don't think there is enough time to include any further changes right now,
and the fix should also be reviewed by Martin beforehand, I understand.

We can include the fix in the next rc cycle, however.


Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
> Hello,
> I can see that 2.8.0.RC2 release of Scala compiler is being postponed
> so I thought this gives window of opportunity for my polite request.
> There is a problem with RC1 described in ticket #3363
> (
> Issue itself contains a very small test-case and fix done by Paul.
> This issue is important for two reasons:
> * it's a blocker for my project (I was trying really hard to come up
> with work-around)
> * it's a regression from 2.7.7 where my test-case compiles just fine
> I'd be grateful if someone knowledgeable could review Paul's patch. If
> everyone is busy with fixing more important issues then treat this
> e-mail as a reminder for post-RC2 times. :-)
> --
> Best regards,
> Grzegorz Kossakowski

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