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traits, generics, java interop + @specialized
Wed, 2010-05-26, 18:10
Here the thing I've found during exploration of Java complaining on
generics in methods generated for specialization.
The problem also found with method generaited for trait implementation.
An example:
trait Test[A] {
def m( a: A ): A
def specified(a:A):A = a
abstract class T2[A] extends Test[A]
public class JTest extends T2 {
public A m( A a ) {
return a;
java compiler (-Xlint:unckecked) complains about:
specified(java.lang.Object) in T2 implements specified(A) in Test;
return type requires unchecked conversion
found : java.lang.Object
required: A
JD Java Decompiler shows that generated method is not generic:
public abstract interface Test extends ScalaObject
public abstract A m(A paramA);
public abstract A specified(A paramA);
public abstract class T2
implements Test, ScalaObject
public Object specified(Object a)
return Test.class.specified(this, a); }
public T2() { Test.class.$init$(this); }
public class JTest extends T2
public A m(A a)
return a;
> scalac -version
Scala compiler version 2.8.0.r22036-b20100526020129 -- Copyright
2002-2010, LAMP/EPFL
Mixed in methods seem to lack their Java signature. I updated the ticket, thanks for reporting!
On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Vladimir Kirichenko <vladimir.kirichenko@gmail.com> wrote:
« Je déteste la montagne, ça cache le paysage »
Alphonse Allais