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traits, generics, java interop + @specialized

1 reply
Vladimir Kirichenko
Joined: 2009-02-19,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.

Here the thing I've found during exploration of Java complaining on
generics in methods generated for specialization.
The problem also found with method generaited for trait implementation.

An example:


trait Test[A] {
def m( a: A ): A
def specified(a:A):A = a

abstract class T2[A] extends Test[A]


public class JTest extends T2 {
public A m( A a ) {
return a;

java compiler (-Xlint:unckecked) complains about:

specified(java.lang.Object) in T2 implements specified(A) in Test;
return type requires unchecked conversion
found : java.lang.Object
required: A

JD Java Decompiler shows that generated method is not generic:

public abstract interface Test extends ScalaObject
public abstract A m(A paramA);

public abstract A specified(A paramA);

public abstract class T2
implements Test
, ScalaObject
public Object specified(Object a)
return Test.class.specified(this, a); }
public T2() { Test.class.$init$(this); }


public class JTest extends T2
public A m(A a)
return a;

> scalac -version
Scala compiler version 2.8.0.r22036-b20100526020129 -- Copyright
2002-2010, LAMP/EPFL


Iulian Dragos 2
Joined: 2009-02-10,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: traits, generics, java interop + @specialized
This is indeed a bug, but has nothing to do with @specialized (or if it does, please be more specific).
Mixed in methods seem to lack their Java signature. I updated the ticket, thanks for reporting!

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Vladimir Kirichenko <> wrote:
Here the thing I've found during exploration of Java complaining on
generics in methods generated for specialization.
The problem also found with method generaited for trait implementation.

An example:


trait Test[A] {
       def m( a: A ): A
       def specified(a:A):A = a

abstract class T2[A] extends Test[A]


public class JTest<A> extends T2<A> {
       public A m( A a ) {
               return a;

java compiler (-Xlint:unckecked) complains about:

specified(java.lang.Object) in T2 implements specified(A) in Test;
return type requires unchecked conversion
found   : java.lang.Object
required: A

JD Java Decompiler shows that generated method is not generic:

public abstract interface Test<A> extends ScalaObject
 public abstract A m(A paramA);

 public abstract A specified(A paramA);

public abstract class T2<A>
 implements Test<A>, ScalaObject
 public Object specified(Object a)
   return Test.class.specified(this, a); }
 public T2() { Test.class.$init$(this); }


public class JTest<A> extends T2<A>
 public A m(A a)
   return a;

> scalac -version
Scala compiler version 2.8.0.r22036-b20100526020129 -- Copyright
2002-2010, LAMP/EPFL


Best Regards,
Vladimir Kirichenko

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Alphonse Allais

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