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Stéphane's missing classes issue

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Joined: 2008-06-30,
User offline. Last seen 1 year 36 weeks ago.


I think I now understand Stéphane's missing classes issue.

We already understood yesterday that the missing classes in the RC where due to the optimised build not generating the classes of anonymous functions that it could inline.

Apparently, Stéphane noticed the missing classes when running ProGuard on the library: ProGuard would generate warnings like:

> scala.xml.Utility$: can't find referenced class scala.xml.Utility$$anonfun$escape$1

It appears that, whilst the optimised build does not generate some anonymous classes, it still lists them in the InnerClasses attribute of the class file. For example, the InnerClasses attribute of "scala.xml.Utility$" lists as inner class nb. 11 "scala.xml.Utility$$anonfun$escape$1", despite the later not being generated.

Clearly, this makes it a non-critical bug as it won't prevent running applications. ProGuard also works (it is only warnings). There may be problems with Java reflection, though.


Rob Dickens 2
Joined: 2010-06-10,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.

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