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scala git repo has moved

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Joined: 2008-12-17,
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It doesn't seem github offers any way to mass email everyone who has
forked a repository, so I will have to count on this channel plus
everyone's wits. I will soon be DELETING this repo:

It is already REPLACED by this one, which you can use immediately:

The git history is UNCHANGED, so work you have going will not even
notice the transition. All you should need to do is change the url
associated with the remote to:


This would be done something like

% git remote set-url origin git://

I will continue to operate the following larger repo out of my account
for whatever small audience there is for 500 MB of old starrs, but I
will soon be RENAMING it to scala-full. So it will move from here:

To here:

Thus ends today's administrivia.

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