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some items for 2.8.1
Thu, 2010-08-26, 03:25
Martin mentioned that 2.8.1 will be out "September/October"[1]. Hopefully it is still early enough to bring up a few items to be considered for inclusion in 2.8.1. There is an existing patch or fix for each item below. The first two have been discussed before, but as far as I remember they were not resolved. The last two are important for sbt.
* Spec clarification on import renaming and forward lazy val reference [2]
* relaxing diverging implicit check [3]
* auto-embedding of REPL as proposed [4] and implemented [5]
* fix for Enumeration class loader leak [6]
[1] http://scala-programming-language.1934581.n4.nabble.com/Beyond-2-8-A-Roa...
[2] http://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/ticket/3468
a) import_rename_and_wildcard_18June2010.patch
b) lazy_forward_28May2010.patch
[3] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.scala/20700
[4] http://gist.github.com/404272
[5] http://github.com/paulp/scala-starrless/commit/4a4676a8e4c45d21
[6] fixed in trunk in [22463], but I don't know if that guarantees inclusion in 2.8.1