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Re: Partition with Either on Traversable

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Joined: 2008-09-02,
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Perhaps.  However when mapping a bitset into typed partitions, this method has the advantage of preserving the bitset type, if possible.

You are correct that a Traversable[Either[A, B]] may be an easier starting point for this method.  In fact, take a view of a collection and applying the map to an either would probably give you similar execution times , there is still the matter of preserving types...

On Aug 27, 2010 5:36 AM, "Tony Morris" <> wrote:

Such a list is better represented List[Either[Int, String]]. I suspect
this would then alter your question.

Josh Suereth wrote:
> What does everyone think about a partionEither method on traversable
> as a w...

> I have a patch <> I could commit if we

> think this is a generally useful method on the collections. I
> personally feel this method prov...

Tony Morris

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