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build failures

2 replies
Joined: 2008-07-29,
User offline. Last seen 45 weeks 6 days ago.

checkin fails since yesterday's quickcheck addition. It looks like a
lot of classes are only build in quick but not in locker (or vice
versa). Who's dealing with this?

Antonio Cunei
Joined: 2008-12-16,
User offline. Last seen 3 years 22 weeks ago.
Re: build failures

From what I see it should be ok again as of r22873, Alex changed the build
script as necessary. The failed nightly is just auxjvm, because of the old
issue concerning Scaladoc and the IBM VM.

martin odersky wrote:
> checkin fails since yesterday's quickcheck addition. It looks like a
> lot of classes are only build in quick but not in locker (or vice
> versa). Who's dealing with this?

Joined: 2010-02-19,
User offline. Last seen 34 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: build failures

I've added scalacheck build tasks to sabbus, but didn't add the
corresponding copies of the scalacheck build tasks for the bootstrapping
build right away - this is why the build was failing on the server. This
shouldn't be a problem anymore.


On 01/09/10 14:00, Antonio Cunei wrote:
> From what I see it should be ok again as of r22873, Alex changed the build
> script as necessary. The failed nightly is just auxjvm, because of the old
> issue concerning Scaladoc and the IBM VM.
> Toni
> martin odersky wrote:
>> checkin fails since yesterday's quickcheck addition. It looks like a
>> lot of classes are only build in quick but not in locker (or vice
>> versa). Who's dealing with this?
>> -- Martin

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