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Upcoming release: 2.8.1.RC1
Tue, 2010-09-14, 16:13
We are now very close to the release of 2.8.1 RC1: if everything goes
according to plan, we are planning to proceed with the release this Friday.
As usual, we rely on your feedback to detect unusual problems or
incompatibilities; this release is a bug-fixing maintenance release, and is
intended to be fully binary-compatible with 2.8.0.
Please find below the (provisional) list of fixes that will be included in
2.8.1. Additional improvements not related to any particular ticket,
especially concerning Scaladocs, will also be included.
Tickets fixed in 2.8.1:
#36 When a val overrides an abstract var
#434343 Scaladoc and val (constructor args and lazy)
#6c6c6c scaladoc for case class fields
#4f4f4f Assertion error on compilation
#1220 Stream.cons result not thread-safe
#1445 Scaladoc does not seem to correctly report singleton types
#1693 Implicit conversion ambiguity
#1766 Primary constructor does not initialize structural type when
auxiliary constructors are present
#2318 Structural method is dispatched on non-public member when
overriding public member
#2331 Assertion Error Erasure$Eraser.cast(Erasure.scala:442)
#2413 Types$TypeError when using inherited method from Java with
repeated parameters
#2416 Unsound higher order typing
#2462 Better error messages for implicits
#2464 'class file is broken' error when extending Java static
inner classes
#2799 spurious warning for deprecated case class
#3105 parameters with default values not distinguished
#3193 "Self" escapes SynchronizedMap
#3209 scalac crash on (invalid) input file with an annotation on
package declaration
#3247 incorrect error message compiling trait with view bound
#3249 java generic signature should not refer to type parameters
of enclosing method (partial fix)
#3361 NullPointerException in REPL when using DoubleLinkedList
#3374 error in kind checking: higher-order type parameters
#3399 IndexOutOfBoundsException on search for implicit =:=
#3403 Compiler error with renamed BeanProperty import
#3414 Option.empty
#3419 kind conformance and separate compilation
#3435 Compiler crash with TypeError during SpecializeTypes
#3461 Scala doc for List.sliding is incorrect
#3468 dated spec references to ByNameFunction
#3477 upper bound on type parameter leads inferencer to wrong
#3486 No Java Signature for mixed-in generic methods
#3493 The result of scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[A]#toString
should be sorted
#3494 Parameterizing varargs method on singleton type crashes
#3495 Cannot pass Java properties containing ':'
#3496 Stream.splitAt does not terminate
#3497 assertion failed in getPrimitive
#3502 Stream.range regression in Scala 2.8.0 (works with Scala
#3507 assertion failure in mkAttributedQualifier
#3508 Stream.tabulate creates an infinite stream
#3519 Recent nsc change breaks AppEngine compatibility (partial
#3521 Java annotation with negative double value causes error
#3540 TraversableFactory.iterate is too aggressive
#3543 Java annotations restriction; error message could be
#3548 scala.MatchError on code completion of a Tuple
#3551 jvm/actor-executor2 test fails very rarely due to incorrect
use of j.u.c.Executor
#3570 Compiler crash in a small code
#3580 TraversableLike.toStream loops
#3582 Higher order type parameter results in implicit search
#3584 Random.shuffle not usable with Random objects initialized
from a non-default seed
#3603 Integrate IntMap / LongMap into 2.8 collections
#3604 Compiler crash: XML parsing:
#3605 No JSON Serializer in scala.util.parsing.json
#3612 Inner object does not conform to self-type
#3615 Enum with duplicate ordinal throws AssertionError
#3616 Enumeration.values is confused by methods returning Val
#3618 ill-formed type application with type constructors
#3622 Compiler crash with Java repeated parameters
#3629 Bring LinkedBlockingQueue up-to-date
#3631 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while compiling
#3636 scala.MatchError with Specialization
#3645 Stream.tabulate creates an infinite constant stream
#3648 VerifyError with named constructor parameter with default
#3649 scalac crashes after reporting name clash between val and
companion object
#3650 specialization incorrectly searches for specialized variants
#3653 Repetitive method name/signature in class file
#3663 IllegalAccessError when using package proptected members of
a Java class
#3667 Java Serialization Issue with Nested Class and Default
#3676 Compiler crash when trying to implement a custom view
#3679 scalac memory leak with NoPhase
#3684 ArrayBuilder.ensureSize can resize twice
#3685 field type inference fails when using named arguments with
same name
#3688 JavaConversions.asMap can't be used a a view bound due to
#3691 Compiler crash accessing higher kinded type in refinement
#3692 Infinite loop when compiling a simple manifest test
#3697 compile error applying curried method with repeated and
default parameters
#3709 performance: use of implicit conversion to RichInt in
ResizableArray wasteful
#3716 illegal characters in msil source causes compilation failure
#3726 Blocks with application of a function-typed variable are
seen as pure
#3728 Wrong generic Java signature for methods with Array[T]
#3729 stack traces on file not found
#3737 scaladoc for Option is wrong in places, could use examples
#3750 No package-level scaladoc for the scala package
#3751 Update/improve scala.Array's scaladoc
#3756 Incongruous Java Class File / Package Crashes Scala Compiler
#3757 No error given when abstract base class is not fully
#3763 type inference causes ClassCastException: Arrays are not
#3765 Incorrect Position with \r\n Delimiters
#3766 Performance: ArrayBuffer.sizeHint could directly call
arraycopy rather than Array.copy
#3767 Array.copy needs review
#3769 Compiler UnsupportedOperationException: Position.point when
parsing ill-formed XML
#3772 companions and method-owned case classes (partial fix)
#3773 Missing deprecation warning
#3774 scalac hang on innocent looking source (partial fix)
#3776 scalac silently hangs while compiling (possibly with
#3777 type constructor inference should normalize to improve
#3780 cyclic reference when compiling sources using build manager
#3786 Improve scaladoc of scala.xml.pull
#3793 Improve scaladoc of scala.collection package and link to the
new Guide
#3803 Specialization with function object causes null reference
Tue, 2010-09-14, 17:57
Re: Upcoming release: 2.8.1.RC1
I don't see why not. --Martin
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 6:32 PM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 6:32 PM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@gmail.com> wrote:
Can we get 3717 in there as well please?https://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/ticket/3717
It's a blocker for anyone wanting to use scalap as a library for parsing scala signatures.
On 14 September 2010 16:13, Antonio Cunei <antonio.cunei@epfl.ch> wrote:
We are now very close to the release of 2.8.1 RC1: if everything goes according to plan, we are planning to proceed with the release this Friday.
As usual, we rely on your feedback to detect unusual problems or incompatibilities; this release is a bug-fixing maintenance release, and is intended to be fully binary-compatible with 2.8.0.
Please find below the (provisional) list of fixes that will be included in 2.8.1. Additional improvements not related to any particular ticket, especially concerning Scaladocs, will also be included.
Tickets fixed in 2.8.1:
#36 When a val overrides an abstract var
#434343 Scaladoc and val (constructor args and lazy)
#6c6c6c scaladoc for case class fields
#4f4f4f Assertion error on compilation
#1220 Stream.cons result not thread-safe
#1445 Scaladoc does not seem to correctly report singleton types
#1693 Implicit conversion ambiguity
#1766 Primary constructor does not initialize structural type when
auxiliary constructors are present
#2318 Structural method is dispatched on non-public member when
overriding public member
#2331 Assertion Error Erasure$Eraser.cast(Erasure.scala:442)
#2413 Types$TypeError when using inherited method from Java with
repeated parameters
#2416 Unsound higher order typing
#2462 Better error messages for implicits
#2464 'class file is broken' error when extending Java static
inner classes
#2799 spurious warning for deprecated case class
#3105 parameters with default values not distinguished
#3193 "Self" escapes SynchronizedMap
#3209 scalac crash on (invalid) input file with an annotation on
package declaration
#3247 incorrect error message compiling trait with view bound
#3249 java generic signature should not refer to type parameters
of enclosing method (partial fix)
#3361 NullPointerException in REPL when using DoubleLinkedList
#3374 error in kind checking: higher-order type parameters
#3399 IndexOutOfBoundsException on search for implicit =:=
#3403 Compiler error with renamed BeanProperty import
#3414 Option.empty
#3419 kind conformance and separate compilation
#3435 Compiler crash with TypeError during SpecializeTypes
#3461 Scala doc for List.sliding is incorrect
#3468 dated spec references to ByNameFunction
#3477 upper bound on type parameter leads inferencer to wrong
#3486 No Java Signature for mixed-in generic methods
#3493 The result of scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[A]#toString
should be sorted
#3494 Parameterizing varargs method on singleton type crashes
#3495 Cannot pass Java properties containing ':'
#3496 Stream.splitAt does not terminate
#3497 assertion failed in getPrimitive
#3502 Stream.range regression in Scala 2.8.0 (works with Scala
#3507 assertion failure in mkAttributedQualifier
#3508 Stream.tabulate creates an infinite stream
#3519 Recent nsc change breaks AppEngine compatibility (partial
#3521 Java annotation with negative double value causes error
#3540 TraversableFactory.iterate is too aggressive
#3543 Java annotations restriction; error message could be
#3548 scala.MatchError on code completion of a Tuple
#3551 jvm/actor-executor2 test fails very rarely due to incorrect
use of j.u.c.Executor
#3570 Compiler crash in a small code
#3580 TraversableLike.toStream loops
#3582 Higher order type parameter results in implicit search
#3584 Random.shuffle not usable with Random objects initialized
from a non-default seed
#3603 Integrate IntMap / LongMap into 2.8 collections
#3604 Compiler crash: XML parsing: <div></abbr>
#3605 No JSON Serializer in scala.util.parsing.json
#3612 Inner object does not conform to self-type
#3615 Enum with duplicate ordinal throws AssertionError
#3616 Enumeration.values is confused by methods returning Val
#3618 ill-formed type application with type constructors
#3622 Compiler crash with Java repeated parameters
#3629 Bring LinkedBlockingQueue up-to-date
#3631 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while compiling
#3636 scala.MatchError with Specialization
#3645 Stream.tabulate creates an infinite constant stream
#3648 VerifyError with named constructor parameter with default
#3649 scalac crashes after reporting name clash between val and
companion object
#3650 specialization incorrectly searches for specialized variants
#3653 Repetitive method name/signature in class file
#3663 IllegalAccessError when using package proptected members of
a Java class
#3667 Java Serialization Issue with Nested Class and Default
#3676 Compiler crash when trying to implement a custom view
#3679 scalac memory leak with NoPhase
#3684 ArrayBuilder.ensureSize can resize twice
#3685 field type inference fails when using named arguments with
same name
#3688 JavaConversions.asMap can't be used a a view bound due to
#3691 Compiler crash accessing higher kinded type in refinement
#3692 Infinite loop when compiling a simple manifest test
#3697 compile error applying curried method with repeated and
default parameters
#3709 performance: use of implicit conversion to RichInt in
ResizableArray wasteful
#3716 illegal characters in msil source causes compilation failure
#3726 Blocks with application of a function-typed variable are
seen as pure
#3728 Wrong generic Java signature for methods with Array[T]
#3729 stack traces on file not found
#3737 scaladoc for Option is wrong in places, could use examples
#3750 No package-level scaladoc for the scala package
#3751 Update/improve scala.Array's scaladoc
#3756 Incongruous Java Class File / Package Crashes Scala Compiler
#3757 No error given when abstract base class is not fully
#3763 type inference causes ClassCastException: Arrays are not
#3765 Incorrect Position with \r\n Delimiters
#3766 Performance: ArrayBuffer.sizeHint could directly call
arraycopy rather than Array.copy
#3767 Array.copy needs review
#3769 Compiler UnsupportedOperationException: Position.point when
parsing ill-formed XML
#3772 companions and method-owned case classes (partial fix)
#3773 Missing deprecation warning
#3774 scalac hang on innocent looking source (partial fix)
#3776 scalac silently hangs while compiling (possibly with
#3777 type constructor inference should normalize to improve
#3780 cyclic reference when compiling sources using build manager
#3786 Improve scaladoc of scala.xml.pull
#3793 Improve scaladoc of scala.collection package and link to the
new Guide
#3803 Specialization with function object causes null reference
Kevin Wright
mail / gtalk / msn : kev.lee.wright@gmail.com
pulse / skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Tue, 2010-09-14, 18:07
Re: Upcoming release: 2.8.1.RC1
Excellent! Thanks :)
On 14 September 2010 17:47, martin odersky <martin.odersky@epfl.ch> wrote:
Kevin Wright
mail / gtalk / msn : kev.lee.wright@gmail.com
pulse / skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
On 14 September 2010 17:47, martin odersky <martin.odersky@epfl.ch> wrote:
I don't see why not. --Martin
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 6:32 PM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wright@gmail.com> wrote:
Can we get 3717 in there as well please?https://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/ticket/3717
It's a blocker for anyone wanting to use scalap as a library for parsing scala signatures.
On 14 September 2010 16:13, Antonio Cunei <antonio.cunei@epfl.ch> wrote:
We are now very close to the release of 2.8.1 RC1: if everything goes according to plan, we are planning to proceed with the release this Friday.
As usual, we rely on your feedback to detect unusual problems or incompatibilities; this release is a bug-fixing maintenance release, and is intended to be fully binary-compatible with 2.8.0.
Please find below the (provisional) list of fixes that will be included in 2.8.1. Additional improvements not related to any particular ticket, especially concerning Scaladocs, will also be included.
Tickets fixed in 2.8.1:
#36 When a val overrides an abstract var
#434343 Scaladoc and val (constructor args and lazy)
#6c6c6c scaladoc for case class fields
#4f4f4f Assertion error on compilation
#1220 Stream.cons result not thread-safe
#1445 Scaladoc does not seem to correctly report singleton types
#1693 Implicit conversion ambiguity
#1766 Primary constructor does not initialize structural type when
auxiliary constructors are present
#2318 Structural method is dispatched on non-public member when
overriding public member
#2331 Assertion Error Erasure$Eraser.cast(Erasure.scala:442)
#2413 Types$TypeError when using inherited method from Java with
repeated parameters
#2416 Unsound higher order typing
#2462 Better error messages for implicits
#2464 'class file is broken' error when extending Java static
inner classes
#2799 spurious warning for deprecated case class
#3105 parameters with default values not distinguished
#3193 "Self" escapes SynchronizedMap
#3209 scalac crash on (invalid) input file with an annotation on
package declaration
#3247 incorrect error message compiling trait with view bound
#3249 java generic signature should not refer to type parameters
of enclosing method (partial fix)
#3361 NullPointerException in REPL when using DoubleLinkedList
#3374 error in kind checking: higher-order type parameters
#3399 IndexOutOfBoundsException on search for implicit =:=
#3403 Compiler error with renamed BeanProperty import
#3414 Option.empty
#3419 kind conformance and separate compilation
#3435 Compiler crash with TypeError during SpecializeTypes
#3461 Scala doc for List.sliding is incorrect
#3468 dated spec references to ByNameFunction
#3477 upper bound on type parameter leads inferencer to wrong
#3486 No Java Signature for mixed-in generic methods
#3493 The result of scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[A]#toString
should be sorted
#3494 Parameterizing varargs method on singleton type crashes
#3495 Cannot pass Java properties containing ':'
#3496 Stream.splitAt does not terminate
#3497 assertion failed in getPrimitive
#3502 Stream.range regression in Scala 2.8.0 (works with Scala
#3507 assertion failure in mkAttributedQualifier
#3508 Stream.tabulate creates an infinite stream
#3519 Recent nsc change breaks AppEngine compatibility (partial
#3521 Java annotation with negative double value causes error
#3540 TraversableFactory.iterate is too aggressive
#3543 Java annotations restriction; error message could be
#3548 scala.MatchError on code completion of a Tuple
#3551 jvm/actor-executor2 test fails very rarely due to incorrect
use of j.u.c.Executor
#3570 Compiler crash in a small code
#3580 TraversableLike.toStream loops
#3582 Higher order type parameter results in implicit search
#3584 Random.shuffle not usable with Random objects initialized
from a non-default seed
#3603 Integrate IntMap / LongMap into 2.8 collections
#3604 Compiler crash: XML parsing: <div></abbr>
#3605 No JSON Serializer in scala.util.parsing.json
#3612 Inner object does not conform to self-type
#3615 Enum with duplicate ordinal throws AssertionError
#3616 Enumeration.values is confused by methods returning Val
#3618 ill-formed type application with type constructors
#3622 Compiler crash with Java repeated parameters
#3629 Bring LinkedBlockingQueue up-to-date
#3631 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while compiling
#3636 scala.MatchError with Specialization
#3645 Stream.tabulate creates an infinite constant stream
#3648 VerifyError with named constructor parameter with default
#3649 scalac crashes after reporting name clash between val and
companion object
#3650 specialization incorrectly searches for specialized variants
#3653 Repetitive method name/signature in class file
#3663 IllegalAccessError when using package proptected members of
a Java class
#3667 Java Serialization Issue with Nested Class and Default
#3676 Compiler crash when trying to implement a custom view
#3679 scalac memory leak with NoPhase
#3684 ArrayBuilder.ensureSize can resize twice
#3685 field type inference fails when using named arguments with
same name
#3688 JavaConversions.asMap can't be used a a view bound due to
#3691 Compiler crash accessing higher kinded type in refinement
#3692 Infinite loop when compiling a simple manifest test
#3697 compile error applying curried method with repeated and
default parameters
#3709 performance: use of implicit conversion to RichInt in
ResizableArray wasteful
#3716 illegal characters in msil source causes compilation failure
#3726 Blocks with application of a function-typed variable are
seen as pure
#3728 Wrong generic Java signature for methods with Array[T]
#3729 stack traces on file not found
#3737 scaladoc for Option is wrong in places, could use examples
#3750 No package-level scaladoc for the scala package
#3751 Update/improve scala.Array's scaladoc
#3756 Incongruous Java Class File / Package Crashes Scala Compiler
#3757 No error given when abstract base class is not fully
#3763 type inference causes ClassCastException: Arrays are not
#3765 Incorrect Position with \r\n Delimiters
#3766 Performance: ArrayBuffer.sizeHint could directly call
arraycopy rather than Array.copy
#3767 Array.copy needs review
#3769 Compiler UnsupportedOperationException: Position.point when
parsing ill-formed XML
#3772 companions and method-owned case classes (partial fix)
#3773 Missing deprecation warning
#3774 scalac hang on innocent looking source (partial fix)
#3776 scalac silently hangs while compiling (possibly with
#3777 type constructor inference should normalize to improve
#3780 cyclic reference when compiling sources using build manager
#3786 Improve scaladoc of scala.xml.pull
#3793 Improve scaladoc of scala.collection package and link to the
new Guide
#3803 Specialization with function object causes null reference
Kevin Wright
mail / gtalk / msn : kev.lee.wright@gmail.com
pulse / skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Kevin Wright
mail / gtalk / msn : kev.lee.wright@gmail.com
pulse / skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda
Tue, 2010-09-14, 18:37
Re: Upcoming release: 2.8.1.RC1
Wow, fantastic work guys,
that's a truly incredible amount of closed tickets.
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Antonio Cunei <antonio.cunei@epfl.ch> wrote:
Viktor Klang,
Code Connoisseur
Work: www.akkasource.com
Code: github.com/viktorklang
Follow: twitter.com/viktorklang
Read: klangism.tumblr.com
that's a truly incredible amount of closed tickets.
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Antonio Cunei <antonio.cunei@epfl.ch> wrote:
We are now very close to the release of 2.8.1 RC1: if everything goes according to plan, we are planning to proceed with the release this Friday.
As usual, we rely on your feedback to detect unusual problems or incompatibilities; this release is a bug-fixing maintenance release, and is intended to be fully binary-compatible with 2.8.0.
Please find below the (provisional) list of fixes that will be included in 2.8.1. Additional improvements not related to any particular ticket, especially concerning Scaladocs, will also be included.
Tickets fixed in 2.8.1:
#36 When a val overrides an abstract var
#434343 Scaladoc and val (constructor args and lazy)
#6c6c6c scaladoc for case class fields
#4f4f4f Assertion error on compilation
#1220 Stream.cons result not thread-safe
#1445 Scaladoc does not seem to correctly report singleton types
#1693 Implicit conversion ambiguity
#1766 Primary constructor does not initialize structural type when
auxiliary constructors are present
#2318 Structural method is dispatched on non-public member when
overriding public member
#2331 Assertion Error Erasure$Eraser.cast(Erasure.scala:442)
#2413 Types$TypeError when using inherited method from Java with
repeated parameters
#2416 Unsound higher order typing
#2462 Better error messages for implicits
#2464 'class file is broken' error when extending Java static
inner classes
#2799 spurious warning for deprecated case class
#3105 parameters with default values not distinguished
#3193 "Self" escapes SynchronizedMap
#3209 scalac crash on (invalid) input file with an annotation on
package declaration
#3247 incorrect error message compiling trait with view bound
#3249 java generic signature should not refer to type parameters
of enclosing method (partial fix)
#3361 NullPointerException in REPL when using DoubleLinkedList
#3374 error in kind checking: higher-order type parameters
#3399 IndexOutOfBoundsException on search for implicit =:=
#3403 Compiler error with renamed BeanProperty import
#3414 Option.empty
#3419 kind conformance and separate compilation
#3435 Compiler crash with TypeError during SpecializeTypes
#3461 Scala doc for List.sliding is incorrect
#3468 dated spec references to ByNameFunction
#3477 upper bound on type parameter leads inferencer to wrong
#3486 No Java Signature for mixed-in generic methods
#3493 The result of scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet[A]#toString
should be sorted
#3494 Parameterizing varargs method on singleton type crashes
#3495 Cannot pass Java properties containing ':'
#3496 Stream.splitAt does not terminate
#3497 assertion failed in getPrimitive
#3502 Stream.range regression in Scala 2.8.0 (works with Scala
#3507 assertion failure in mkAttributedQualifier
#3508 Stream.tabulate creates an infinite stream
#3519 Recent nsc change breaks AppEngine compatibility (partial
#3521 Java annotation with negative double value causes error
#3540 TraversableFactory.iterate is too aggressive
#3543 Java annotations restriction; error message could be
#3548 scala.MatchError on code completion of a Tuple
#3551 jvm/actor-executor2 test fails very rarely due to incorrect
use of j.u.c.Executor
#3570 Compiler crash in a small code
#3580 TraversableLike.toStream loops
#3582 Higher order type parameter results in implicit search
#3584 Random.shuffle not usable with Random objects initialized
from a non-default seed
#3603 Integrate IntMap / LongMap into 2.8 collections
#3604 Compiler crash: XML parsing: <div></abbr>
#3605 No JSON Serializer in scala.util.parsing.json
#3612 Inner object does not conform to self-type
#3615 Enum with duplicate ordinal throws AssertionError
#3616 Enumeration.values is confused by methods returning Val
#3618 ill-formed type application with type constructors
#3622 Compiler crash with Java repeated parameters
#3629 Bring LinkedBlockingQueue up-to-date
#3631 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while compiling
#3636 scala.MatchError with Specialization
#3645 Stream.tabulate creates an infinite constant stream
#3648 VerifyError with named constructor parameter with default
#3649 scalac crashes after reporting name clash between val and
companion object
#3650 specialization incorrectly searches for specialized variants
#3653 Repetitive method name/signature in class file
#3663 IllegalAccessError when using package proptected members of
a Java class
#3667 Java Serialization Issue with Nested Class and Default
#3676 Compiler crash when trying to implement a custom view
#3679 scalac memory leak with NoPhase
#3684 ArrayBuilder.ensureSize can resize twice
#3685 field type inference fails when using named arguments with
same name
#3688 JavaConversions.asMap can't be used a a view bound due to
#3691 Compiler crash accessing higher kinded type in refinement
#3692 Infinite loop when compiling a simple manifest test
#3697 compile error applying curried method with repeated and
default parameters
#3709 performance: use of implicit conversion to RichInt in
ResizableArray wasteful
#3716 illegal characters in msil source causes compilation failure
#3726 Blocks with application of a function-typed variable are
seen as pure
#3728 Wrong generic Java signature for methods with Array[T]
#3729 stack traces on file not found
#3737 scaladoc for Option is wrong in places, could use examples
#3750 No package-level scaladoc for the scala package
#3751 Update/improve scala.Array's scaladoc
#3756 Incongruous Java Class File / Package Crashes Scala Compiler
#3757 No error given when abstract base class is not fully
#3763 type inference causes ClassCastException: Arrays are not
#3765 Incorrect Position with \r\n Delimiters
#3766 Performance: ArrayBuffer.sizeHint could directly call
arraycopy rather than Array.copy
#3767 Array.copy needs review
#3769 Compiler UnsupportedOperationException: Position.point when
parsing ill-formed XML
#3772 companions and method-owned case classes (partial fix)
#3773 Missing deprecation warning
#3774 scalac hang on innocent looking source (partial fix)
#3776 scalac silently hangs while compiling (possibly with
#3777 type constructor inference should normalize to improve
#3780 cyclic reference when compiling sources using build manager
#3786 Improve scaladoc of scala.xml.pull
#3793 Improve scaladoc of scala.collection package and link to the
new Guide
#3803 Specialization with function object causes null reference
Viktor Klang,
Code Connoisseur
Work: www.akkasource.com
Code: github.com/viktorklang
Follow: twitter.com/viktorklang
Read: klangism.tumblr.com
It's a blocker for anyone wanting to use scalap as a library for parsing scala signatures.
On 14 September 2010 16:13, Antonio Cunei <antonio.cunei@epfl.ch> wrote:
Kevin Wright
mail / gtalk / msn : kev.lee.wright@gmail.com
pulse / skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda