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generalized catch blocks, now available
Thu, 2010-11-04, 18:06
Here's something I always wanted to do, and now I did.
try body
catch handler
finally vanish
Where handler is potentially any expression which evaluates to a
PartialFunction[Throwable, T] where T is the type of the body.
Who's up for a little language change? There's no cost to this: all
current catch blocks would compile exactly as they presently do. If the
catch block isn't a sequence of case statements, then the expression
would be transformed into something like
lazy val handler$1 = expr()
try body
catch {
case x if handler$1 isDefinedAt x => handler$1(x)
finally vanish
Although at the moment the only thing I've done is let stable ids work,
so there's no arbitrary expression or lazy evaluation.
Here's a very small demo of some things one might do. If it's not
convincing I can gather convincingness. I think this is the missing
piece for being able to write really appealing reusable exception
handling abstractions.
// a.scala
type Handler[+T] = PartialFunction[Throwable, T]
def shortName(x: AnyRef) = x.getClass.getName split '.' last;
val standardHandler: Handler[String] = {
case x: java.util.NoSuchElementException => shortName(x)
case x: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException => shortName(x)
def fn[T: Handler](body: => T): T = {
val handler = implicitly[Handler[T]]
try body
catch handler
def f1 = {
implicit val myHandler = standardHandler
def f2 = {
implicit val myHandler: Handler[String] = standardHandler orElse {
case x => "DEBUG: " + shortName(x)
// outputs
scala> f1
at $anonfun$f1$2.apply(:12)
at $anonfun$f1$2.apply(:12)
at .fn(:9)
at .f1(:12)
scala> f2
DEBUG: NullPointerException
On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Paul Phillips <paulp@improving.org> wrote:
Viktor Klang,
Code Connoisseur
Work: Scalable Solutions
Code: github.com/viktorklang
Follow: twitter.com/viktorklang
Read: klangism.tumblr.com