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four items, neatly numbered

2 replies
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 3 days ago.

Seeking a little feedback if anyone has a moment:

1) If there are no objections I will commit the patch making the second arg to assert and friends by-name
(I won't commit anything until trunk builds again though.)

2) Are there any opinions pro or con on the patch to disallow empty refinements?
("reports undefined method while implementation exists")

I think it disallows it where it makes no sense but allows it where you need it (e.g. abstract class M ; val m
= new M { } ) but I am reluctant to turn currently valid syntax into an error without at least one +1.

3) I believe #2a2a2a is a significant misfeature:
("scalac and fsc load classes from destination directory, unlike javac")

...however I was afraid people are now relying on it, a fear that was reinforced when I discovered that scalac
itself won't build without it. It'd be easy enough to fix scalac, but as this would likely be a breaking
change for some people I'm seeking input.

4) As a guy who has recently gone through almost every open ticket, I can testify that #333333 would be very
("Adding compiler version to compiler exception")

...but I can't figure out a clean way to do this without undertaking a significant effort to unify the
compiler's error handling, and if I was to undertake that it'd be criminal not to better unify logging as
well. (Speaking of logging, the new -Xprint:all option comes highly recommended for seeing what's going on in
there.) Do people have opinions about this they'd like to share?

I'll stop for now, I know everyone is plenty busy with their own projects. I greatly appreciate the level of
autonomy I've been given and for the most part I'm more than happy to rely on my own judgment, but when
decisions might have consequences beyond the immediately surrounding code I try for a second opinion. (On the
other hand, there's always "revert".)

Iulian Dragos 2
Joined: 2009-02-10,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: four items, neatly numbered

Paul Phillips wrote:
> Seeking a little feedback if anyone has a moment:
> 1) If there are no objections I will commit the patch making the second arg to assert and friends by-name
> (I won't commit anything until trunk builds again though.)

I agree with that. However, it would be nice to make it configurable,
similarly to the way javac does. Something like this:

val assertionsEnabled = getClass().desiredAssertionStatus()

def assert1(prop: => Boolean, msg: => Any): Unit = {
if (assertionsEnabled && !prop)
throw new java.lang.AssertionError(msg)

Granted, this will take into account the assertion status for Predef
instead of the caller, and won't be configurable on a per-class basis. I
think that's acceptable. Tests I did a while ago showed that this method
is extremely slow, that's why the result is cached in a field (that's
what javac does as well, in the class constructor).

The @inline annotation is useful because it makes the inliner happier
abount inlining it (keeps its cost zero, when deciding whether it's
worth to inline it or not).

> 4) As a guy who has recently gone through almost every open ticket, I can testify that #333333 would be very
> helpful:
> ("Adding compiler version to compiler exception")
> ...but I can't figure out a clean way to do this without undertaking a significant effort to unify the
> compiler's error handling, and if I was to undertake that it'd be criminal not to better unify logging as
> well. (Speaking of logging, the new -Xprint:all option comes highly recommended for seeing what's going on in
> there.) Do people have opinions about this they'd like to share?
Is it really worth the effort? It's so easy to type scalac -version
after a crash and get the version. I'm not sure how you plan to add a
version to all crashes, maybe by a big catch all in Global? I'm thinking
of MatchError and NPEs. I never found that a huge problem in bug reports
either... we need to reproduce it anyway, and if it works in trunk the
bug report is discarded (usually.. now we have a 2.7 branch we continue
to support, but that's not a model we'll sustain for long).

> I'll stop for now, I know everyone is plenty busy with their own projects. I greatly appreciate the level of
> autonomy I've been given and for the most part I'm more than happy to rely on my own judgment, but when
> decisions might have consequences beyond the immediately surrounding code I try for a second opinion. (On the
> other hand, there's always "revert".)
We're all here very happy to have you working on this project! I think
your questions make a lot of sense and your policy of asking people's
opinion before breaking changes is appreciated.


Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 3 days ago.
Re: four items, neatly numbered

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 07:36:09PM +0100, Iulian Dragos wrote:
> I agree with that. However, it would be nice to make it configurable,
> similarly to the way javac does.

I'll explore that, I've not looked at javac much.

> @inline

Oh that's interesting, I didn't know that was in play. It doesn't look like that annotation is used anywhere
in the compiler, but maybe the compiler figures it knows itself well enough already.

> Is it really worth the effort? It's so easy to type scalac -version after
> a crash and get the version.

It's easy for us, it's the people who just cut and paste a stack trace I'm thinking of. In an effort to
maintain good records I'm trying to isolate in exactly which version any given bug was fixed, which would be
speedier if I knew when the stack trace was from; I've found open bugs that have been fixed since 2.6.1 (and
earlier I'm sure but that's as far back as I check.) And you're right, it's not worth effort by itself, but a
well-defined error resolution path for the compiler is appealing for all sorts of reasons. The bugs I'm
examining are getting thornier and increasingly I pine for a simple mechanism to turn on/off tracing,
increase/decrease output, cause faster failing when some condition under investigation comes true, etc. etc.

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