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Sources for Value Classes

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Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 3 days ago. all done.

It's thoroughly tested, but it seems like kind of a heavy thing to drop
on trunk without someone glancing at it. Would you like to glance at
it? There is more polish I would like to do but I already feel negligent
taking as much time for it as I did. It's using your generated source
files, so I'm taking it on faith that those are correct.

If there is an award for most taxing scala compiler bootstrapping
experience I would like to claim that now.

And the next time someone complains that Long has a >>>(Long) method
(unlikely? all complaints happen eventually) we can say "DELETE IT IF IT

% git diff
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ final class Long extends AnyVal {
def <<(x: Int): Long = throw new Error()
def <<(x: Long): Long = throw new Error()
def >>>(x: Int): Long = throw new Error()
- def >>>(x: Long): Long = throw new Error()
+ // def >>>(x: Long): Long = throw new Error()

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scala> 256L >>> 4
res0: Long = 16

scala> 256L >>> 4L
:6: error: type mismatch;
found : Long(4L)
required: Int
256L >>> 4L

Sadly you can't add methods unless you like VerifyErrors, but that could
change too...

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