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Graph for Scala

2 replies
Peter 2
Joined: 2011-02-16,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.

Hi Everybody,

in the last few weeks I’ve made considerable progress with Graph for
Scala. I believe the Graph library is now in a good state and is worth
to be reviewed by experts like you.

I’d be glad if you were interested. If so, please follow the links

or for online Scaladoc

To the current state:
- graph creating and manipulating functionality: nearly 100%
- basic navigation: nearly 100%
- there exist few graph algorithms: maybe 10% of desirable?
- documentation: 50%
Following considerations would favour an early incorporation into the
Scala Library:
- Potential users with focus on graph editing functionality could
immediately benefit. If required they are free to append their own
- As to algorithms, the sky is the limit so waiting until the gap is
filled may take quite a long time. An opinion poll could help to
decide where to invest.
- Any future algorithm will presumably be built upon the rich set of
base operations already present.
- Enhancements will be demanded by the whole community more actively
compared with an incubator state.

I’ve not yet made the underlying sources public, but I'm prepared to
send them separately to any of you. For this purpose, please tell me
that you will purely use it for evaluation / review purposes and will
not submit it to any third party. Sorry, but I’m really afraid of

You've not yet had the opportunity to review Graph and decide on the
destiny of my contribution. Certainly I would feel secure if the core
team would commit itself to my contribution sometime.

Just to add: I’d be glad to also provide enhancements and support in
the future.


Joined: 2009-04-23,
User offline. Last seen 38 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: Graph for Scala
I suggest announcing it through

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 16:55, Peter <> wrote:
Hi Everybody,

in the last few weeks I’ve made considerable progress with Graph for
Scala. I believe the Graph library is now in a good state and is worth
to be reviewed by experts like you.

I’d be glad if you were interested. If so, please follow the links

or for online Scaladoc

To the current state:
 -     graph creating and manipulating functionality: nearly 100%
 -     basic navigation: nearly 100%
 -     there exist few graph algorithms: maybe 10% of desirable?
 -     documentation: 50%
Following considerations would favour an early incorporation into the
Scala Library:
 -     Potential users with focus on graph editing functionality could
immediately benefit. If required they are free to append their own
 -     As to algorithms, the sky is the limit so waiting until the gap is
filled may take quite a long time. An opinion poll could help to
decide where to invest.
 -     Any future algorithm will presumably be built upon the rich set of
base operations already present.
 -     Enhancements will be demanded by the whole community more actively
compared with an incubator state.

I’ve not yet made the underlying sources public, but I'm prepared to
send them separately to any of you. For this purpose, please tell me
that you will purely use it for evaluation / review purposes and will
not submit it to any third party. Sorry, but I’m really afraid of

You've not yet had the opportunity to review Graph and decide on the
destiny of my contribution. Certainly I would feel secure if the core
team would commit itself to my contribution sometime.

Just to add: I’d be glad to also provide enhancements and support in
the future.


Daniel C. Sobral

I travel to the future all the time.
Ken McDonald
Joined: 2011-02-13,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: Graph for Scala

Hi Peter, thanks for the work on this. It's not something I've been
aware of before, but a good graph implementation, if general enough,
would be a really nice addition to the standard library.

For this type of usage (where the library has to be very general, but
usages of it can be very simple, as is the case with me), I would
really love to see examples in the documentation. Good examples can
make it much easier to get up to speed quickly. The 'dot' guide for
the dot graph visualization tool in graphviz does this well.

Please keep us apprised of how the documentation is coming along. Once
it's more complete, I may well have a shot at using this for what I'm


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