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Ticket #4372 - Scaladoc enhancement: remove whitespace before colons

1 reply
Rüdiger Keller
Joined: 2010-01-24,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.

Hello internals,

I just saw that my enhancement ticket Ticket #4372 - "Scaladoc
enhancement: remove white space before colons" got solved. Very nice!

I was just about to work out a patch for it myself, but Kazuyoshi beat
me to it, it seems. :-)

But what just came to my mind is the following: there are methods /
members ending with a colon. In this case the white space should be
preserved, I think. Else it is too easy to misinterpret the name of
the method / member. At least I guess so, as I haven't seen it in
action yet.

What do you think?

Besides, Kazuyoshi what did you do to get commit rights? ;-)


Kato Kazuyoshi
Joined: 2010-10-22,
User offline. Last seen 29 weeks 1 day ago.
Re: Ticket #4372 - Scaladoc enhancement: remove whitespace befo

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 2:49 AM, Rüdiger Keller
> I just saw that my enhancement ticket Ticket #4372 - "Scaladoc
> enhancement: remove white space before colons" got solved. Very nice!
> I was just about to work out a patch for it myself, but Kazuyoshi beat
> me to it, it seems. :-)


> But what just came to my mind is the following: there are methods /
> members ending with a colon. In this case the white space should be
> preserved, I think. Else it is too easy to misinterpret the name of
> the method / member. At least I guess so, as I haven't seen it in
> action yet.

Don't worry. we still put whitespace after name of method and member.

def +: (n: Int): Int
val -: : Int

> Besides, Kazuyoshi what did you do to get commit rights? ;-)

Probably, Scaladoc don't have *formal* process to become a committer.

In my case, I sent some patches to Gilles Dubochet before get commit rights.
My first patch is


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