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Link to scala-library.jar

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Dinesh V
Joined: 2010-11-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.

Hi everybody,

I am getting ready to make a release of my OSS project "XML Doclet" on
github. The doclet is written in Scala but the users are going to be
Java folks and quite likely may not have Scala installed or may not be
interested in scala. I want to make it easy for somebody to use the
doclet without going through a Scala installation.

For the distribution there are probably 2 ways to go:

1. Make a jar of my Doclet, and add scala-library.jar and jar it all
up using ProGuard.
2. Make a jar of my Doclet and users can include scala-library.jar on
their own to the classpath.

For option 2 to work, if I can link to a copy of the scala-library.jar
that people can simply download and use, that would be great.
Googling did not reveal such a thing. Thus the question: Is it
possible to make just the scala runtime available? Are there any
hurdles that prevent us from doing so, such as, licensing issues, or
is it just that this never bubbled up the list of priorities?


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