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Re: ScalaTest 1.5.RC2

3 replies
Bill Venners
Joined: 2008-12-18,
User offline. Last seen 31 weeks 5 days ago.
Hi Viktor,

I'm not too familiar with Git. Dick Wall suggested I just grab the zip file for starters, and I did that. I downloaded That didn't build. (I was trying to build 1.1. with sbt.) I got:

> test
[info] == akka-actor / compile ==
[info]   Source analysis: 54 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
[error] bad option: -P:continuations:enable
[error] one error found
[info] == akka-actor / compile ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / glob ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / glob ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / data ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / data ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-resources ==
[error] Error running compile: Compilation failed
[info] Total time: 5 s, completed May 17, 2011 6:14:12 PM

Any idea what the issue is, or do you have a suggestion for how I should get 1.1 compiling under Scala 2.8.1 and ScalaTest 1.3? I want to try that first, then recompile with 1.5.RC2 and make sure it still works.


2011/5/16 √iktor Ҡlang <>

Hey Bill,, try the 'release-1.1-2.8' branch

Cheers, V

On May 17, 2011 5:30 AM, "Bill Venners" <> wrote:
> Hi Viktor,
> Is it easy for you or someone to recompile the Akka unit tests with
> ScalaTest 1.5.RC2. I want to make sure it works with a few installations. If
> you don't have time and can point me to the repository then I can try
> compiling them. This is the update to the 1.3 release for Scala 2.8.1, so it
> needs to be an Akka version that worked with 2.8.1.
> Thanks.
> Bill
> ----
> Bill Venners
> Artima, Inc.

Bill Venners
Artima, Inc.
Bill Venners
Joined: 2008-12-18,
User offline. Last seen 31 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: ScalaTest 1.5.RC2
Hi Dick,

Duh, no I forgot. I'll give that a try.

Sorry didn't intent to spam the entire scala-internals list with this. One of those unintentional reply-alls.



On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 8:10 AM, Dick Wall <> wrote:
Bill, just checking but did you do an sbt update first?

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 6:57 PM, Bill Venners <> wrote:
Hi Viktor,

I'm not too familiar with Git. Dick Wall suggested I just grab the zip file for starters, and I did that. I downloaded That didn't build. (I was trying to build 1.1. with sbt.) I got:

> test
[info] == akka-actor / compile ==
[info]   Source analysis: 54 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
[error] bad option: -P:continuations:enable
[error] one error found
[info] == akka-actor / compile ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / glob ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / glob ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / data ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / data ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-resources ==
[error] Error running compile: Compilation failed
[info] Total time: 5 s, completed May 17, 2011 6:14:12 PM

Any idea what the issue is, or do you have a suggestion for how I should get 1.1 compiling under Scala 2.8.1 and ScalaTest 1.3? I want to try that first, then recompile with 1.5.RC2 and make sure it still works.


2011/5/16 √iktor Ҡlang <>

Hey Bill,, try the 'release-1.1-2.8' branch

Cheers, V

On May 17, 2011 5:30 AM, "Bill Venners" <> wrote:
> Hi Viktor,
> Is it easy for you or someone to recompile the Akka unit tests with
> ScalaTest 1.5.RC2. I want to make sure it works with a few installations. If
> you don't have time and can point me to the repository then I can try
> compiling them. This is the update to the 1.3 release for Scala 2.8.1, so it
> needs to be an Akka version that worked with 2.8.1.
> Thanks.
> Bill
> ----
> Bill Venners
> Artima, Inc.

Bill Venners
Artima, Inc.

Dick Wall
Email:    Gmail:     Skype: dickwall
Co-Host of the Java Posse:    Twitter: @dickwall

Bill Venners
Artima, Inc.
Viktor Klang
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 1 year 27 weeks ago.
Re: ScalaTest 1.5.RC2
Sorry, totally missed this e-mail,

try to clean-cache and clean-lib and then do an update.


On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 3:57 AM, Bill Venners <> wrote:
Hi Viktor,

I'm not too familiar with Git. Dick Wall suggested I just grab the zip file for starters, and I did that. I downloaded That didn't build. (I was trying to build 1.1. with sbt.) I got:

> test
[info] == akka-actor / compile ==
[info]   Source analysis: 54 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
[error] bad option: -P:continuations:enable
[error] one error found
[info] == akka-actor / compile ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / glob ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / glob ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / data ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / data ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-resources ==
[error] Error running compile: Compilation failed
[info] Total time: 5 s, completed May 17, 2011 6:14:12 PM

Any idea what the issue is, or do you have a suggestion for how I should get 1.1 compiling under Scala 2.8.1 and ScalaTest 1.3? I want to try that first, then recompile with 1.5.RC2 and make sure it still works.


2011/5/16 √iktor Ҡlang <>

Hey Bill,, try the 'release-1.1-2.8' branch

Cheers, V

On May 17, 2011 5:30 AM, "Bill Venners" <> wrote:
> Hi Viktor,
> Is it easy for you or someone to recompile the Akka unit tests with
> ScalaTest 1.5.RC2. I want to make sure it works with a few installations. If
> you don't have time and can point me to the repository then I can try
> compiling them. This is the update to the 1.3 release for Scala 2.8.1, so it
> needs to be an Akka version that worked with 2.8.1.
> Thanks.
> Bill
> ----
> Bill Venners
> Artima, Inc.

Bill Venners
Artima, Inc.

Viktor Klang

Akka Tech LeadTypesafe - Enterprise-Grade Scala from the Experts

Twitter: @viktorklang
Bill Venners
Joined: 2008-12-18,
User offline. Last seen 31 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: ScalaTest 1.5.RC2
Hi Viktor,

The update plus increasing available memory did the trick. I have successfully run the 1.1 tests with 2.9.0 and ScalaTest 1.4.1. Is there a command I can use to rerun it with 2.8.1 and ScalaTest 1.3, or do I need to grab the branch you pointed me to?



2011/5/18 √iktor Ҡlang <>
Sorry, totally missed this e-mail,

try to clean-cache and clean-lib and then do an update.


On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 3:57 AM, Bill Venners <> wrote:
Hi Viktor,

I'm not too familiar with Git. Dick Wall suggested I just grab the zip file for starters, and I did that. I downloaded That didn't build. (I was trying to build 1.1. with sbt.) I got:

> test
[info] == akka-actor / compile ==
[info]   Source analysis: 54 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed.
[info] Compiling main sources...
[error] bad option: -P:continuations:enable
[error] one error found
[info] == akka-actor / compile ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-testkit / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-stm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-actor-tests / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / glob ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / glob ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / data ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / data ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-typed-actor / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-slf4j / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-http / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-chat / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-first / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-remote / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-osgi / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-fsm / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-sample-ants / copy-test-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-resources ==
[info] == akka-tutorial-second / copy-resources ==
[error] Error running compile: Compilation failed
[info] Total time: 5 s, completed May 17, 2011 6:14:12 PM

Any idea what the issue is, or do you have a suggestion for how I should get 1.1 compiling under Scala 2.8.1 and ScalaTest 1.3? I want to try that first, then recompile with 1.5.RC2 and make sure it still works.


2011/5/16 √iktor Ҡlang <>

Hey Bill,, try the 'release-1.1-2.8' branch

Cheers, V

On May 17, 2011 5:30 AM, "Bill Venners" <> wrote:
> Hi Viktor,
> Is it easy for you or someone to recompile the Akka unit tests with
> ScalaTest 1.5.RC2. I want to make sure it works with a few installations. If
> you don't have time and can point me to the repository then I can try
> compiling them. This is the update to the 1.3 release for Scala 2.8.1, so it
> needs to be an Akka version that worked with 2.8.1.
> Thanks.
> Bill
> ----
> Bill Venners
> Artima, Inc.

Bill Venners
Artima, Inc.

Viktor Klang

Akka Tech LeadTypesafe - Enterprise-Grade Scala from the Experts

Twitter: @viktorklang

Bill Venners
Artima, Inc.

Copyright © 2012 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland